ニュース速報・地震速報NewsDigest/ニュースダイジェスト at Google Play market analyse

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ニュース速報・地震速報NewsDigest/ニュースダイジェスト at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
News & Magazines
Developer: JX PRESS Corporation
Price: 0 free
Current version: 7.13.4, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 28 Apr 2022
App size: 12 Mb
4.2 ( 2912 ratings )

Estimation application downloads and cost

> 2.2k
Monthly downloads
~ $ 900
Estimation App Cost

◎Asian Digital Media Awards 2020 特別賞受賞!◎Google Play ベストオブ2019 生活お役立ち部門 受賞アプリニュース速報・地震速報・災害速報を網羅した「NewsDigest」は日本で初めて権威あるアジアデジタルメディア大賞を受賞したニュースアプリだから、入れておけば安心。重要ニュースや地震・災害・天気の情報はもちろん、事件事故の情報や鉄道トラブル情報、スポーツや芸能まで、誰もが気になるニュース記事が断トツの速さで届きます。お気に入りの記事を簡単に友達にシェアすることもできます。サクサク使えて便利なニュースアプリです。【カバーする速報】・総合ニュース速報・国内地震速報・海外地震速報(マグニチュード6以上の大型地震)・災害速報・気象警報情報(大雨洪水警報、竜巻情報、火山噴火情報など)・鉄道トラブル情報・その他、ソーシャルメディア等で注目のニュース【NewsDigest(ニュースダイジェスト)の特徴】①ニュース速報・地震速報がとにかく速く届きます。②災害速報、地域ニュース速報、天気や動画ニュースも届きます。③シェア機能記事をTwitterやFacebookなどで簡単に友達にシェアすることもできます。④速報通知機能プッシュ通知は"ON"をおすすめします。地震・災害速報や必ず役立つ重要ニュースをいち早くプッシュでお知らせします。是非アプリをダウンロードしてこの便利さを体感してみてください。【こんなユーザーにおすすめ】・ニュース番組を見る時間がない人・地震やその震度、災害、天気の情報をいち早く知っておきたい人・非常時の備えになる情報源が欲しい人・電車での移動中など暇つぶしになるアプリが欲しい人・何か新しい情報が知りたい人【公式twitterもあります】twitter: @NewsDigestWebhttps://twitter.com/NewsDigestWeb ◎ Received the Asian Digital Media Awards 2020 Special Award! ◎ Google Play Best of 2019 Life Useful Category Award Winning App "News Digest", which covers breaking news, earthquake breaking news, and disaster breaking news, is the first news app in Japan to win the prestigious Asian Digital Media Award, so its safe to put it in.Not only important news, earthquake / disaster / weather information, but also accident / accident information, railway trouble information, sports and entertainment, news articles that everyone cares about arrive at a tremendous speed. You can also easily share your favorite articles with your friends. It is a convenient news app that can be used crisply.[Breaking news to cover]・ Comprehensive breaking news・ Domestic Earthquake Early Warning・ Overseas earthquake bulletin (large earthquake with magnitude 6 or more)・ Disaster breaking news・ Weather warning information (heavy rain flood warning, tornado information, volcanic eruption information, etc.)・ Railway trouble information・ Other news that attracts attention on social media, etc. [Features of NewsDigest] ① Breaking news and earthquake bulletins arrive quickly anyway. ② You will also receive disaster bulletins, regional news flashes, weather and video news. ③ Share function You can easily share articles with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, etc. ④ Breaking news notification function We recommend "ON" for push notifications. We will promptly notify you of earthquake / disaster breaking news and important news that is always useful. Please download the app and experience this convenience. [Recommended for such users]・ People who do not have time to watch news programs・ People who want to know information about earthquakes, their seismic intensity, disasters, and weather as soon as possible.・ People who want a source of information to prepare for emergencies・ People who want an app that kills time, such as when traveling by train・ People who want to know some new information[There is also official twitter]twitter: @NewsDigestWebhttps://twitter.com/NewsDigestWebニュースフィードでサムネイル画像が見やすく改善されました。




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