GERMANY NEWS I GERMANY & WORLD NEWS HEADLINESDo you want to access Germany and world news headlines from the main Germany and world newspapers and magazines in one single app? Have easy and free access to all Germany and international news? Want to translate Germany and world news written in a different language to your language? Also access Germany and international news about various topics? So, save time and get now Germany News | Germany & World News Headlines app for Android and get access to this gold mine of Germany and international information! GERMANY AND WORLD NEWS HEADLINES FROM THE MAIN DIGITAL NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES:The Germany News | Germany & World News Headlines is a news aggregator and brings you news and reviews about various topics from the main news sources worldwide in a single app: Jungle World, Augsburger Allgemeine, FinanzNachrichten, Berliner Morgenpost, FOCUS, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Handelsblatt, Braunschweiger-Zeitungsverlag, SPIEGEL, Der Tagesspiegel, Der Stern, Ruhr Nachrichten, Deutsche Welle, Neues Deutschland, OSTSEE-ZEITUNG, RP, SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung, WirtschaftsWoche, SPORT1, GQ Magazine, DIE WELT, Bild, Junge Welt, ZEIT, BRIGITTE, Glamour, AD Magazine, Rolling Stone, Junge Freiheit and more! GERMANY NEWS I GERMANY & WORLD NEWS HEADLINES WITH AN EASY AND FREE APP ACCESS:The Germany News | Germany & World News Headlines has an easy interface and do not requires subscription or payment to access the application. GERMANY NEWS I GERMANY & WORLD NEWS HEADLINES FEATURES:TRANSLATION | Translate Germany and world news to the language of your deviceSEARCH | Search for Germany and world news about your favorite topicsALERTS | Receive notifications when more Germany and world news become availableSHARE | Share Germany and world news with your friends using social media, messengers, e-mail or SMSFEEDBACK | Easily write on Google Play Store and tell about your reading experience and suggestions for improvements GERMANY AND WORLD NEWS HEADLINES COVERING MULTIPLE TOPICS:Germany: local and national news, including events, social security, public health, energy and public transport.WORLD: latest news and major events from Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.POLITICS: news about laws, elections, debates, opinions and all the important news involving the political institutions of the country.ECONOMY: breaking news and analysis on local, national and global economy, including coverage on economy policies, trade, financial institutions, development banks, stocks, markets, business, entrepreneurship, green economy and more.SPORTS: news and reviews about football, basketball, golf, cricket, rugby, surf, Formula 1, boxing, tennis, cycling and other sports from Germany and from all the world.ENTERTAINMENT: source for art and culture news, including news about music, movies, TV, fashion, celebrities, books, dance and theatre.SUPPORT WITH YOUR FEEDBACKIf you enjoy reading news on the Germany News | Germany & World News Headlines application or have any feedback or suggestions, please rate the app and write about it on Google Play Store. It really helps to keep going and delivering the best :)Germany News | Germany & World News Headlines is an unofficial application. In case of inquiries, please contact by e-mail.â Performance improvementsâ Bug fixes