Follow breaking news, local and global news and headlines for free today right on your home screen using the main news page! News home is a free app that keeps you informed of all your news interests. Get your news faster by swiping directly from your home screen. News Home is designed to be extremely easy to use with easy to navigate screens. The first to know We know breaking news is more important than others and deserves to be known first. Our application provides you with breaking news so that you are the first to see the most important events and events. Enable the notifications feature to ensure you dont miss important news. Share information directly from the app to notify your friends, family and loved ones instantly. Tell you your way Everyone has different interests, so browse from a variety of categories, such as current events, elections, health, business, entertainment, sports, technology, lifestyle, science, and more. Discover and add your favorite resources Choose from your favorite trusted sources and news channels. From CNN, BBC, NBC, WD News, France24 and many more - customize your list of news sources and add them to your favorites.