NAJBOLJI NAČIN DA NARUČITE TAXI U ZRENJANINUHALO taxi je najbolji način da pozovete taxi u Srbiji - jednostavno za korišćenje, brzo i lako:- Ne morate da pamtite brojeve telefona ili da zaustavljate taxi na ulici- Ne morate da objašnjavate gde se nalazite- Ne morate da kucate komplikovane brojeve telefona i čekate u redu- Prilagođeno je korisnicima i lako za korišćenje- Potrebno je samo par sekundi i dva dodira ekrana da pozovete taxi- Aplikacija je brza i besplatnaHALO taxi je udruženje koje je oformljeno tako da se zasniva na iskrenom poverenju i zadovoljstvu svojih klijenata, stalnom unapređivanju kvaliteta svojih usluga i istrajnom poboljšanju položaja i kooperativnosti svojih članova.Svi vozači su registrovani i provereni.Kako funkcioniše:- HALO taxi će automatski locirati vašu adresu koristeći GPS u Vašem uredjaju- Možete uneti i neku drugu adresu ako je potrebno (u napomeni)- Pritisnite "Naruči sada"- Bićete obavešteni da ste uspešno poručili taxi- Pratite Vaše vozilo na mapi u realnom vremenu dok dolazi po vasPosebne opcije:- Možete da odredite broj putnika, tip vozila (karavan), prevoz kućnih ljubimaca...- I druge zahteve koje možete imati- Rezervišite vozilo unapredHALO Taxi - Mi se više trudimo! Primeti razliku! U službi gradjana, a na ponos grada!THE BEST WAY TO ORDER A TAXI IN ZRENJANINHALO taxi is the best way to call a taxi in Serbia - easy to use, fast and easy:- You do not need to remember phone numbers, or to stop a taxi on the street- You do not need to explain where you are- You do not have to type complicated phone numbers and wait in line- Customized for users and easy to use- It only takes a few seconds and two touch screens to call taxi- The application is fast and freeHALO taxi is an association which has been created in such a way that is based on trust and sincerecustomer satisfaction, continuous improvement of the quality of its services and persistentimproving their situation and cooperation članova.Svi drivers are registered and checked.How does it work:- HALO taxi will automatically locate your address using the GPS in your device- You can enter another address if necessary (in the note)- Press the "Order Now"- You will be notified that you have successfully ordered taxi- Keep track of your vehicle on a map in real time, while coming for youSpecial options:- You can specify the number of passengers, type of vehicle (wagon), transport pets ...- And other requirements you may have- Book Car advanceHALO Taxi - We try harder! You notice the difference! In the service of the citizens, and the pride of the city!