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Taxi SOS at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Maps & Navigation
Developer: NET Informatika
Price: 0 free
Current version: 2.1.121, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 04 Sep 2020
App size: 1 Mb
4.6 ( 8576 ratings )

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> 2.2k
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~ $ 900
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JEDNOSTAVAN NAČIN DA NARUČITE TAXI U NOVOM SADUSOS taxi je jednostavan način da pozovete taxi u Srbiji - jednostavno za korišćenje, brzo i bez dodatnog napora:- Ne morate da pamtite brojeve telefona ili da zaustavljate taxi na ulici- Ne morate da objašnjavate gde se nalazite- Ne morate da kucate komplikovane brojeve telefona i čekate u redu- Prilagođeno je korisnicima i lako za korišćenje- Potrebno je samo par sekundi i dva dodira ekrana da pozovete taxi- Aplikacija je brza i besplatnaSOS taxi sa najkvalitetnijom i najbržom uslugom. Svi vozači su registrovani i provereni.Kako funkcioniše:- SOS taxi će automatski locirati vašu adresu koristeći GPS u Vašem uredjaju- Možete uneti i neku drugu adresu ako je potrebno (u napomeni)- Pritisnite "Naruči sada"- Bićete obavešteni da ste uspešno poručili taxi- Pratite Vaše vozilo na mapi u realnom vremenu dok dolazi po vasPosebne opcije:- Možete da odredite broj putnika, tip vozila (karavan), prevoz kućnih ljubimaca...- I druge zahteve koje možete imati- Rezervišite vozilo unapredSOS taxi - uvek slobodno vozilo za vas!EASY WAY TO ORDER A TAXI IN NOVI SADSOS taxi is an easy way to call a taxi in Serbia - easy to use, fast and withoutextra effort:- You dont have to remember phone numbers or stop a taxi on the street- You dont have to explain where you are- You dont have to type complicated phone numbers and wait in line- Customized and easy to use- It only takes a few seconds and two touches of the screen to call a taxi- The application is fast and freeSOS taxi with the highest quality and fastest service. All drivers are registered and checked.How does it work:- SOS taxi will automatically locate your address using GPS in your device- You can enter another address if necessary (in the note)- Click "Order now"- You will be notified that you have successfully ordered a taxi- Track your vehicle on the map in real time as it picks you upSpecial options:- You can specify the number of passengers, type of vehicle (caravan), transport of pets ...- And other requirements you may have- Book the vehicle in advanceSOS taxi - always a free vehicle for you!

Svaka cast,pokrivenost svih delova je zaista izuzetna,za 3-5 minuta vozilo stice cak i do prigradskih mesta! Bravo SOS taksi ;)

Upravo me je prevezao vas taksista(br. 171), covek je mrtav pijan! Sramota!

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Ne radi mapa

Just bad.

Jako lose i nefunkcionalno

Loša aplikacija

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