NAJBOLJI NAČIN DA NARUČITE TAXI U SMEDEREVUEcoKab Taxi Smederevo je najlaksi i najbolji način da pozovete taxi u Srbiji - jednostavno za korišćenje, brzo, bezbedno i bez ikakvog napora:- Ne morate da pamtite brojeve telefona, ili da zaustavljate taxi na ulici, bez komplikovanih brojeva, samo jednim klikom- Ne morate da objašnjavate gde se nalazite, na mapi možete pratiti taxi koji dolazi po Vas- I još bolje, nema dugog čekanja na vezi- Prilagodjeno je korisnicima i lako za korišćenje- Potrebno je samo par sekundi i dva dodira ekrana da pozovete taxi- Aplikacija je brza i naravno besplatna EcoKab Taxi Smederevo je prva ekoloski prihvatljiva taksi companija u Smederevu, sa novim potpuno indenticnim vozilima Fiat 500L, euro 6 motorima i pogonjena na alternativno gorivo TNG. Svi vozači su registrovani i provereni. Vaša sigurnost nam je najvažnija. Kako funkcioniše:- EcoKab Taxi Smederevo će automatski locirati vašu adresu koristeći GPS u Vašem uredjaju- Možete uneti i neku drugu adresu ako je potrebno- Pritisnite "Naruči sada"- Vrlo brzo ćete biti obavešteni da ste uspešno poručili taxi- Pratite Vaše vozilo na mapi u realnom vremenu dok dolazi po vas Posebne opcije:- Možete da odredite broj putnika, trazite vozaca koji govori Engleski...- Mozete da trazite kablove za pokretanje motora ako vam se ispraznio akomulator...- I druge zahteve koje možete imati- Rezervišite vozilo unapred EcoKab Taxi Smederevo Vam neće dozvoliti da čekate!THE BEST WAY TO ORDER A TAXI IN SMEDEREVOEcoKab Smederevo Taxi is the easiest and best way to call a taxi in Serbia - easy to use, fast, safe and without any effort:- You do not need to remember phone numbers, or to stop the taxi on the street, without complicated numbers, with just one click- You do not need to explain where you are on the map, you can follow the taxi to come pick you up- And even better, theres no long wait on the line- Customized for the users and easy to use- It only takes a few seconds and two touch screens to call taxi- The application is fast and of course free EcoKab Taxi Smederevo is the first environmentally friendly taxi companije in Smederevo, with the new fully identical vehicles Fiat 500L, euro 6 engines and driven by alternative fuel LPG. All drivers are registered and checked. Your safety is paramount. How does it work:- EcoKab Taxi Smederevo will automatically locate your address using the GPS in your device- You can enter another address if necessary- Press the "Order Now"- Very soon you will be informed that you have successfully ordered taxi- Keep track of your vehicle on a map in real time, while coming for you Special options:- You can specify the number of passengers, looking for a driver who speaks English ...- If you are looking for jumper cables if you emptied akomulator ...- And other requirements you may have- Book Car advance EcoKab Taxi Smederevo will not allow you to wait!