Here is how the 1982 project got started:We realized that if humans dont meet, no companies get started, no beautiful friendships happen, and no kids get made... And we saw that digital life is making the world lonelier by the day, both for the coolest kid on the block and the biggest introvert.Yet we believe that we can solve a lot of this in a very simple way, by breaking the ice between people with a lot in common.1982 is the worlds simplest social product, made for people to meet and become anything they want, from co-founders of the next hot startup to training a sport every week together.Create a profile in seconds, choose some locations you go to every day:•No filtering, you see all sexes and ages.•You can unlock whoever you want for whatever you want, from building an AI company to finding a travel buddy.•Nobody will ever know who you unblock.•If you both unlock each other, you get each others WhatsApp number, no in-app messaging.•Its 100% free.1982 doesnt rely on complex algorithms or high-tech gimmicks. Instead, we focus on what truly matters: making people meet. Humans are bright enough to decide on their own.Since the 1 month of its launch, 1982 has allowed thousands of people from all walks of life to meet, for all types of purposes.Whether youre a student at VU Amsterdam or UVA Amsterdam, 1982 is the perfect way to expand your social circle and meet new people who share your interests. With its powerful matching algorithms and easy-to-use interface, 1982 takes the guesswork out of meeting new people and puts the power of socializing right at your fingertips.