Leasa by Nanceo is an app dedicated to professionals who want to accelerate their sales (equipments and software). It is a gateway to the lenders market providing connections to operators in order to obtain a financing agreement as quickly as possible.The app is linked to a platform that will process financing files, pay vendors and setup the contracts.With Leasa you will be able to:• Submit a financial request • Track the evolution of your request from deposit to payment• Send messages to Back Office and Account Managers• Search your requests / agreementsNo need to connect to 3 or 4 banking platforms, Leasa does this for you from your mobile. Wherever you are, from your phone, you follow the status of your financial requests.Leasa mobile app is a complement of the web application offered by Nanceo as part of a partnership. To access it you must first have Nanceos approval (User - password - contract)- Receive push notifications. Be notified when your credit application status changes or you receive a message- The primary contact phone number is not required anymore- Electronic signature : - Identify the signatory of the contract - Attach the signatorys ID - Send the electronic contract to your client - Track the status of the customer signature- Messaging : - Create conversations from credit applications - Send and receive messages through conversations