Features: (Ads Free)★ maintaining customer contact status easily ★ holding customers whom are about to be forgotten★ strengthening interaction with customers★ handling whole to-do schedule ★ combining build-in contact info to dial directly★ suitable for all sales in business★ controlling projects progress efficientlyNote:1.Before updating, please export records as a backup. If the main page of the customer who had phone number does not show "telephone" icon, just click on the customer by the contact list once.Since then click on the customer name locating on the top left → entering contact information page; click on the "telephone" → entering to dialing page.2.The list of records shows the customers today and future records, or shows only a recent record if customer has no future records.3.The backup files (myCustomer.csv & myCustomerBIG5.csv) are saved in /root (or /sdcard). There is also a myCustomer.zip if you send those files via email.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Manual: http://www.eg.idv.tw