※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ 予防接種モ!成長記録モ!街の育児情報モ! 妊娠から出産、育児までをフルサポート。 地域とつながる母子手帳アプリです。 ※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※*※ □■地域情報■□ *・妊娠も育児ももう1人じゃない!地域とつながって不安0な育児を・* 不安だらけの妊娠、出産、子育ても、自治体からの役立つ子育て支援情報がお手元に届くので、安心して行えます。 お住まいの地域周辺の病院/子育て支援施設やイベントも、簡単に検索することができて便利です。 □■妊娠中の体重グラフ■□ *・理想体重範囲を表示するので、体重の管理の目安に便利・* ママの妊娠中の体重を簡単に記録&自動でグラフ化! 妊娠前の身長/体重に基づき、週数に合わせたママの理想の体重範囲を表示します。 日々の体重増加の目安とベイビーの成長記録にご活用ください。 □■予防接種のスケジュール管理&接種の時期を通知■□ *・やることが多くて大変!そんな育児を少しでも楽に・* 接種可能になったワクチンのお知らせ、スケジュール管理、ワクチンの接種忘れ防止アラート機能で、面倒な予防接種の調整をアプリでサポートします。 複雑で面倒な予防接種のスケジューリングも、簡単に計算&管理ができて、悩む必要がありません。 出生日と実際の接種日に応じて最適な接種時期をワクチンごとに自動で算出し、予定日が近づくと事前にお知らせします。 □■身長/体重グラフ■□ *・発育を自動でグラフ化するので、成長が一目瞭然・* お子さまの身長/体重はもちろん、妊娠中の赤ちゃんの体重も簡単に記録&自動でグラフ化! お子さまのミルク/食事が足りているか?などの育児情報の目安にご活用ください。 □■できたよ記念日■□ *・日々増えて楽しい「できたよ」コレクション・* 日々成長していくベイビーやお子さまにとっては毎日が何かのできたよ記念日です。 妊娠中の「母子手帳をもらった」などの記録や、出産した後の「伝い歩き」などお子さまの「できたよ」を写真つきで成長記録を残せます。 □■共有機能■□ *・皆で一緒に見守るお子さまの成長・* 母子モで記録したデータや育児情報は、パパや住まいの離れたご両親とも共有ができます。 □■こんな方におすすめ■□ ・予防接種の記録とスケジュールを管理したい方(次回ワクチン接種目安/予定日/接種日) ・母子健康手帳に記録した内容をアプリにも記録したい方 ・健診情報を記録したい方(妊婦健診/妊婦歯科検診/乳幼児健診) ・妊娠中の体重グラフ、胎児発育曲線、乳幼児発育曲線、頭囲発育曲線などの成長記録をグラフで見たい方・日々の記録になる日記、写真、できたよ記念日を残したい方 ・マタニティイベントのスケジュールを知りたい方 ・妊娠中の十月十日(トツキトオカ)の間に家族とベイビーの情報を共有したい方 ・妊娠週数/月齢/年齢に応じた妊娠中、出産、出産後の育児で役立つ読み物や育児情報を読みたい方 ・妊娠中、子育て中のお役立ち動画を見たい方 ・母子健康手帳では管理しきれない妊娠記録や子育て支援に関するスケジュールを記録し管理したい方 ・マタニティグッズを準備した、マタニティフォトを撮ったなど簡単に記念を入力しておきたい方 ・母子保健サービス・育児情報を知りたい方 ・自治体からの地域の子育て支援や育児に関するお知らせを受け取りたい方 ・これからママになる妊婦さんや子育てを行っているママ向けの市区町村の地域のイベント情報を受け取りたい方 ・どのワクチンをベイビーに接種したか簡単に予防接種を管理したい方 ・市区町村の子育て支援施設を検索したい方 ・マタニティイベントに参加したい方 ・プッシュ通知で予防接種のスケジュールをアラートで受け取りたい方 ・妊娠中の日々の体重増加の目安とベイビーの成長記録を管理したい方 ・妊娠中のベイビーや出産後のお子さまの成長記録になる記念日を残したい方 ・マタニティピラティスなどの動画でマタニティストレッチをやってみたい方 ※ご利用いただける機能や配信している育児情報、子育て支援施設の情報などは、お住まいの地域や市区町村により一部内容が異なります。 ---------- □■お問い合わせ■□ お客様からの貴重なご意見・ご感想として、レビューを拝見させていただいておりますが、こちらへは直接/個別にお返事を差し上げることはできません。 大変恐れ入りますが、不具合やお問い合わせ、リクエスト等がございましたら、下記より、メールにてお問い合わせいただけますと幸いです。 アプリ起動>右上のメニュー>お客様サポート>お問い合わせ ※本アプリはOS ver.5以上が対象です。* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Vaccination mode! Growth record model! Childcare information in town!Full support from pregnancy to childbirth and childcare.It is a mother and child notebook application that connects with the community.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * □ ■ Regional information ■ □* ・ Im not alone in pregnancy and childcare! Connect with the community and raise children with zero anxiety *Even if you are pregnant, giving birth, or raising a child full of anxiety, you can rest assured that you will receive useful child-rearing support information from the local government.You can easily search for hospitals / child-rearing support facilities and events around your area, which is convenient. □ ■ Weight graph during pregnancy ■ □* ・ Since the ideal weight range is displayed, it is convenient as a guide for weight management.Easily record and automatically graph your moms pregnant weight!Shows moms ideal weight range for weeks based on pre-pregnancy height / weight.Please use it as a guide for daily weight gain and record your babys growth. □ ■ Vaccination schedule management & notification of vaccination time ■ □* ・ There are many things to do and its hard! Making such childcare as easy as possible *The app supports troublesome vaccination adjustments with notifications of vaccines that are available for vaccination, schedule management, and alert function to prevent forgetting to inoculate vaccines.Complex and cumbersome vaccination scheduling is easy to calculate and manage, so you dont have to worry.The optimal inoculation time is automatically calculated for each vaccine according to the date of birth and the actual date of inoculation, and we will notify you in advance when the scheduled date approaches. □ ■ Height / weight graph ■ □* ・ Since the growth is automatically graphed, the growth is obvious at a glance ・ *Not only the height / weight of your child, but also the weight of your pregnant baby can be easily recorded and automatically graphed!Is your childs milk / food sufficient? Please use it as a guide for childcare information such as. □ ■ Its done Anniversary ■ □* ・ The “Im done” collection that is increasing and fun every day ・ *For babies and children who grow up every day, every day is an anniversary.You can keep a record of your childs "I was able to do it" such as "I got a maternity record book" during pregnancy and "Walking along" after giving birth with a photo. □ ■ Sharing function ■ □* ・ Growth of children watching together ・ *Data and childcare information recorded by mothers and children can be shared with dads and parents who are away from home. □ ■ Recommended for people like this ■ □・ Those who want to manage vaccination records and schedules (next vaccination guideline / scheduled date / vaccination date)・ Those who want to record the contents recorded in the Maternal and Child Health Handbook on the app・ Those who want to record medical examination information (pregnant woman medical examination / pregnant woman dental examination / infant medical examination)・ Those who want to see growth records such as weight graph, fetal growth curve, infant growth curve, and head circumference growth curve during pregnancy in a graph ・ Those who want to keep a daily record diary, photos, and anniversary・ Those who want to know the schedule of maternity events・ Those who want to share baby information with their families during the 10th of October (Totsuki Tooka) during pregnancy.・ Those who want to read useful reading materials and childcare information during pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare after childbirth according to the number of weeks of pregnancy / age / age.・ Those who want to watch useful videos during pregnancy and child-rearing・ Those who want to record and manage pregnancy records and child-rearing support schedules that cannot be managed by the Maternal and Child Health Handbook・ Those who want to easily enter a memorial, such as preparing maternity goods or taking a maternity photo. ・ Those who want to know maternal and child health services and childcare information・ Those who want to receive notifications about local child-rearing support and child-rearing from local governments・ Those who want to receive information on local events in the municipality for pregnant women who will become moms and moms who are raising children.・ Those who want to easily manage vaccinations which vaccines have been given to babies・ Those who want to search for child-rearing support facilities in the municipality・ Those who want to participate in maternity events・ Those who want to receive an alert on the vaccination schedule with push notifications・ Those who want to manage daily weight gain during pregnancy and baby growth records・ Those who want to leave an anniversary that will be a growth record for pregnant babies and children after childbirth・ Those who want to try maternity stretching with videos such as maternity pilates * Some of the functions that can be used, childcare information that is distributed, information on childcare support facilities, etc. may differ depending on the area where you live and the municipality. ----------□ ■ Inquiries ■ □We have read the reviews as valuable opinions and impressions from our customers, but we cannot reply to them directly / individually.We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you have any problems, inquiries, requests, etc., please contact us by e-mail from the following.App launch> Top right menu> Customer support> Contact * This app is for OS ver.5 or above.軽微な修正を行いました。