Taipei MRT Kaohsiung MRT (Taiwan MRT) at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Helpful for Metro users
Good performance. Has both Chinese and English station names.
This is the best taipei metro app. It tells you which station you are on at the moment. It also tells you how many stops there are until Taipei main station while your phone is locked
This times for arrival on this app are not accurate. Also it tells you to take really dumb routes, such as transferring 4 times from the green line to red to orange to brown and then back to green to get somewhere instead of just staying on the green line, which is significantly slower. Unfortunately this seems to be the only decent metro app that still works on Android. If you have an iPhone get the other metro app it's super good
介面乾淨,有多種語言,但:1)定位有點不准 [在台大體育館邊的女巫店,明明離台電大樓站比較近,卻定位在公館站] 2)設定起終點與票價顯示的方式有點麻煩 [請參考Taipei Metro Route Map] 3)有一些翻譯的很奇怪 [出口資訊 翻 export imformation,exit會比export合適]