Remote control the audio volume of the Android device where this app is running - from HomeAssistant via MQTT.The app solves a home automation issue Ive had for years: In my house we have a wall-mounted Android tablet in the kitchen. This tablet is used for things like grocery lists, looking up recipes - and as our "internet radio" (via a set of active loudspeakers). However, I couldnt mute or control the volume while eating at the dinner table - at least not until now. This is the specific problem MQTT Volume Control app solves: Remote control the audio volume from HomeAssistant.Once the application is connected to your MQTT broker, it will launch a service that stays connected in the background so you dont need to keep the app open. The service will try to keep the device alive, so it may cause the power usage to increase. For me in my setup this is fine as the wall-mounted tablet is always connected to a charger. You may want to enable the setting to automatically start the app when the device has booted, but apart from that everything else happens in HomeAssistant.The app uses HomeAssistant MQTT auto discovery. This means the volume control entities should automatically appear in HomeAssistant (see screenshot). The app provides volume level controls for the media-, call-, alarm- and notifications audio streams, as well as a mute/unmute for media and notifications - depending on what the particular device supports.Prerequisites: You will need an MQTT broker and the HomeAssistant home automation application. HomeAssistant must also be configured to use the MQTT broker. If you dont know what MQTT or HomeAssistant is, this app is probably not for you.MQTT Volume Control supports both unencrypted MQTT, as well as MQTT over SSL/TLS.