āMahindra mPragatiā app provides access to Mahindra Tractors and Farm Machinery customers to a wide range of product portfolios at their fingertips. Customers can now browse through their own tractor information, Digisense features(if available on their tractor), book a service appointment, locate the nearest dealer and service station and place fresh enquiries about Mahindra Tractor and Farm Machinery products. Available in seven languages, the app has a simple and easy interface. Features: ā¢ Access own tractor information ā¢ View all Mahindra Tractors and Farm Machinery product details ā¢ Connect with the nearest dealerā¢ Locate nearest Mahindra service station ā¢ Book a service appointmentā¢ For customers with tractors enabled with Digisense can access all Digisense features on the app ā¢ Updates on Mahindra Tractors new product launchesā¢ Useful videos & easy service tip