Author of the code: James J.P. StewartHomepage: The official website of MOPAC® is maintained by Stewart Computational Chemistry. The official sources (up to MOPAC 7.1) are available in the official website. More recent versions (MOPAC2007, MOPAC2009, MOPAC2012, MOPAC2016) are not open-source. There is plenty of other sites which distribute some flavour of MOPAC - CCL archives, funet archives, SourceForge, GitHub etc. Stewart, James J.P., Journal of computer-aided molecular design 4(1) (1990) 1-103.Description & Use:MOPAC is one of the most favourite and well-known semiempirical packages which enables MNDO, MINDO/3, AM1 and PM3 calculations.Quick start: check the included manualsProgram status:The current package contains MOPAC 7 binaries of primary version compiled for the particular Android hardware platforms and adapted for running in generic, stock devices. The app requires permission to access the file-storage. It works completely offline and does not contain ads.License:The distribution is published for free at Mobile Chemistry Portal and Google Play Store with kind permission of James Stewart. We are also grateful to metapfhor (GitHub, for ready-to-compilation form of MOPAC 7 source code.For more details on licenses of used software, please check the included README file and the corresponding license files inside of the package.Contact: Compilation of the source code for Android/Windows as well as the Android/Windows app development was done by Alan Liška (
[email protected]) and Veronika Růžičková (
[email protected]), J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, v.v.i., Dolejškova 3/2155, 182 23 Praha 8, Czech Republic. Website: