MoLoyal Agent App for savings, withdrawals and more.Download the free MoLoyal Agent app and begin to manage registration, savings, withdrawals, airtime/data sales, event ticket sales and so much more.Once logged in, you can: 路 Register customers to use MoLoyal services. 路 Process customer savings 路 Process customer withdrawals 路 Quickly see an overview of savings and withdrawal transactions done daily 路 Upload your bank teller to deposit money collected. 路 Process customer loyalty accruals 路 Validate reward vouchers. 路 Sell airtime and data to customers. 路 Sell event tickets to customers.It鈥檚 free and easy to get started:Just download the app and register. You will be immediately assigned a user id and once your account is approved, you can start attending to customers and the various transactions they require. Please tell us what you love, suggest any ideas for the app and you can even report a bug or make a suggestion. You can now provide feedback from the support tab on the app or through our website. We read them all and use these comments to improve the app, so thank you in advance.