MojaTicket (Moja in Swahili means one) is a secure event ticketing solution that uses bar-code technology to produce secure tickets for events of any type. The MojaTicket product is aimed at helping event organizers maximize ticket sales by reducing ticket duplications through the use of bar-code technology.MojaTicket is owned by Emveyo Systems (Pty) Ltd and was developed as one of the companys major products in 2011 after spotting a market niche in Eswatinis event ticketing industry. Over the years, the region has witnessed a gradual increase in the number of small and large scale events. This has been due to the increased recognition and appreciation of local arts and culture, therefore ushering an era of entertainers in sport, concerts, national and corporate eventsThe problem is, the bigger the event, the more challenging it is to control admissions into these events, particularly venue entry points. MojaTicket identified this challenge as an opportunity to provide promoters and hosts, alike, with a solution that would enable them to purchase and sell affordable pre-sale tickets to decrease the amount of money handled and improve smooth entrance flow at event venues. The solution goes on to ensure financial transparency through reports formulation detailing ticket sales for the various ticket categories.