Since its launch in 2015, the Jidar festival has transformed Rabat into one of the most interesting centers of international urban art. This transformation is a constant Work In Progress and the 8th edition scheduled for May 18-28, 2023 will continue to enrich the citys cultural heritage with a new series of works of art created by world-renowned artists.As for each edition, Jidar invites national and international artists to the heart of the capital to offer them the possibility of helping us to understand and decipher the world in which we currently evolve through the artistic sensitivity of each one.Each wall created is an artistic narrative generously offered by an artist to the general public in the city of Rabat. And what is culture if not a set of narratives and stories that are told, peddled and persisted...? It is the annual creation of public works of art that is Jidars raison dêtre: to challenge existing narratives, to encourage reflection and to expand the boundaries of the local imagination.This will again be at the heart of the program for this year 2021 with a focus on the role of street art in unraveling the collective memories of the city, proposing new routes, and breaking down the real or imaginary borders between neighborhoods by proposing a new urban mapping through our various activities.