In the warehouse incoming and distribution to the shelf, this app will help you.(Please prepare the master file by yourself with PC.)Scan the Bar-code with the build in Camera and search in "*.csv" file.First of all, please prepare the Master File.Detail of master01.csv: 11111111111111,Item Name1,Location1rn(return code) 222222222222,Item Name2,Loaction2rn 333333333333,Item Name3,Loaction3rnPlease prepare the Master Location data by Microsoft Excel and Save it to *.CSV file.Copy the *.csv file to your android , or receive by email and save it. (Please remember the folder)If your device have SD Card, "Master File setting" open the Root of SD Card. If your device does not have SD Card, "Master File setting" open the Root of Internal Storage. ■User Permission1.App Access to Camera.(Scan Barcode)2.App Access to External Storage.(master file)■App Privacy Policy Model:Andorid OS 4.0.3 SONY TABLET P.Andorid OS 4.2.2 KYOCERA SKT-01.Android OS 4.3 Galaxy SIII α.Android OS 7.1 Nexus 5XAdded Shortcut of App Permission Setting in the Menu-Bar.Other: Fixed Permission setting at the first time.