NOREXECO is a regulated commodity Exchange specialised for the global pulp and paper industry. NOREXECO offers trading in cash settled financial futures.The NOREXECO mobile App provides real time data, designed to provide a comprehensive view of all NXE futures contracts and prices. NOREXECO mobile app is an informative and powerful resource to get insight into commodity prices. Be in the forefront of the global pulp and paper market, so you can be ahead of the forward-curve.The mobile app gives real-time bids and offers in NBSK and BHKP financial futures contracts. The Mobile app is “View Only”. It is not possible to execute trades from the mobile app.NOREXECO Mobile app contains;Market overview NBSK, USD/MT. Market overview BHKP, USD/MT.Market overview Recovered Paper, EUR/MT (launch during 1H-2020)Bid, ask and last traded.Orderbook volume (MT).Daily closing prices.Push messages when new order(s).Push messages when executed trade(s).Click “Telephone” symbol - direct access to desk service.Click “Letter symbol” - direct access to desk service.NOREXECO Mobile app is a paid subscription service. The app can be downloaded from Google Play and Apple Appstore.