These are datasheets of chemical substances developed by EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) that contain relevant information for responding to marine spill of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS). The MAR-CIS datasheets provide concise information on the substances physical and chemical properties, handling and emergency spill response procedures, as well as maritime transport requirements for safe transport at sea. They collect different types of information on individual chemical substances:âKey properties: main hazards, and physical and chemical properties that define the emergency response operations from the very beginning e.g. flash point, vapour pressure;âIdentification: reference numbers and names used to identify the substance;âSubstance properties: main properties, appearance and behaviour;âShipping information: explanatory information from the maritime transportation codes (e.g. IMDG, IBC and IMSBC codes) to help to understand how the substance is transported by sea and what responders can expect when they go on-board a vessel. Graphical representation of the GESAMP hazard profile;âHazards and risks: classification and labelling, health and environmental hazards and substance intrinsic hazards;âEmergency measures: emergency health measures, emergency measures on board of vessels, exposure safety limits, environmental protection measures and danger zones for six different spill scenarios; âCase histories: past incidents involving the substances and response used;âPhysical and chemical properties: the fingerprint of the substance.The application runs offline.