Absolute dross, no other words for it. Crashes, authorisation doesn't work. What a waste of space.
M&S Banking at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Absolute dross, no other words for it. Crashes, authorisation doesn't work. What a waste of space.
Just going round in circles!
Lost the will to live trying to sort this out on my p.c. or phone - sending card back to m and s, no thank you
Keep being asked to sign in, then get a circular route, requesting to download the app and you've guessed, sign in again. This app is as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Worst app ever experience it unworthy to be called a app especially for house hold name m and Spencer discussed obviously nobody at m s remotely gives a dam
I can view very little on the app. Useless. I get paper statements which are my only way of tracking spending. The developers of this app need to look at other apps and get some ideas.
I reckon this might help. I was struggling for 2 days to install this app. I deleted about 9 other unused apps from my phone and now it is working fine. I just wonder if it can be a kind of conflict between some other apps. I had storage space so that s not the problem. I leave this " food for thought " there for the brainy ones in the area.