The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD) is a regulatory document ensuring the unity of methodological approaches and international comparability of materials, based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, the 10th revision adopted by the 43rd World Health Assembly and is a list of four-digit sub-headings, which allow to unambiguously classify the diagnosis.International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related ProblemsHealth (eng. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) - a document used as a leading statistical and classification basis in health care.Currently, the international classification of diseases of the Tenthrevision (ICD-10, Engl. ICD-10).International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related ProblemsHealth (ICD) is a document used as a leading statistical and classification basis in health care and ensuring the unity of methodological approaches and international comparability of materials.The purpose of the IBC is to create conditions for the systematic registration, analysis, interpretation and comparison of data on mortality and morbidity obtained in different countries or regions and at different times. The ICD is used to translate verbal formulations of diagnoses of diseases and other health-related problems into alphanumeric codes that provide easy storage, retrieval and analysis of data.The ICD is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems of the 10th revision, adopted by the 43rd World Assembly.Health and is a list of four-digit subheadings, which allow to unambiguously classify the diagnosis.The use of an adapted ICD-X variant in this application provides for a preliminary thorough study of the structure of the groupings of disease states in classes, notes, inclusions and exceptions, as well as acquaintance with the rules for selection and coding of the main diagnosis.The diagnosis classifier is intended for heads of health authorities, compulsory health insurance funds and their specialists, for heads of medical organizations, their structural subdivisions and doctors, for specialists in medical statistics, and also for use by specialists in the field of health informatization.Attention: When coding diagnoses it is necessary to use four-digit codes of subheadings, in exceptional cases use three-digit codes of headings.A distinctive feature of this application is the connection between the selected diagnosis and the standards of medical care approved by the orders of the Russian Ministry of Health and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia and published on the website of the Ministry of Health of Russia ( 979 / stranitsa- 983) on the terms of providing medical care: - standards of primary health care; - standards of specialized medical care; - ambulance standards; - standards of palliative care.Contains the directory of medical services (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 13.10.2017 N 804n (as amended on 12.07.2018) "On approval of the range of medical services").The nomenclature of medical services is a systematic list of codes and names of medical services in health care.