MiNiMA is a modern minimalist analog watch face with loads of customizations & useful features!Offering the essentials - with options to expand or simplify even further!Now updated to support Google’s Watch Face Format - offering new customization options and useful features!Made only for Wear OS - Wear OS 3.0 and newer (API 30+)Please install only to your watch device.Phone companion app serves only to help direct installation to your watch device. Buy-One-Get-One PROMOTION Analog clock - AM/PM indicator - TAP center to open Custom app shortcut- Month, Date and Weekday - Multi-language - TAP to open Calendar- Heart rate - Measures automatically - TAP to open BPM info- Watch Battery % & Steps goal % progress bars - TAP each to open that app- Battery efficient & customizable AOD - Uses just 1% - 1.5% active pixels- Long-press to access Customize menu: - Color - 20 vibrant colors - Hand Color - 3 color styles - Index - 6 complexity levels - Edge Cover - 6 cover options - Central Cover - 4 indicator covers - AM/PM Cover - Show/hide toggle - AOD Index ON/OFF - Complications - 2 Custom indicators (Hidden by default) - 1 Custom app shortcutINSTALLATION TIPS:
[email protected] us for any questions, issues or general feedback. Were here for you!Customer satisfaction is our main priority, we make sure to respond to each e-mail within 24 hours. More watch faces: media: you for using our watch faces.Have a great day!