MΓͺntore bank is the most complete digital bank to simplify and make the most ofthe routine of companies and their employees.Banco Digital, present in all Brazilian capitals, offers a card with the prestigiousMastercard brand, accepted in millions of establishments across the country. Furthermore,We provide digital accounts for both companies and individuals and much more!A portfolio of solutions for Individuals and Legal Entities:Financial inclusion with the palm of your hand, satisfaction with expanded benefits and autonomy withbenefits management.For employees (to be carried out using our app):β Current account with the largest service offering and lowest cost on the market;β Easy Credit directly in the application;β Pix 24h to pay and transfer in seconds;β Balance consultation and financial management;β Payments by QR Code for greater convenience;β Transfers quickly;β Bill payments;β Easy-to-access digital paycheck;β Card integrated into the app;β Hiring prepaid digital services (Netflix, Uber, iFood, Spotify);β Salary Account supported by Banco24Horas with more than 24 thousand ATMsspread across the country, which are present in more than 1,000 cities in Brazil.Even more advantages and benefits:β Rewards program with the most diverse catalog in Brazil;β Vehicle TAG with Veloe technology for more mobility on all highwaystoll stations in Brazil and in more than 2,300 parking lots;β Benefits club with excellent discounts on the best Brazilian brands.Economy, profitability and financial control for your business and optimization of the routineHR work.For companies (to be carried out through our system directly from the desktop):β Massive payroll in just a few clicks and with no transmission costs;β Account opening with instant and batch activation for all employees;β Corporate and individual accounts with financial inclusion and access to the best services;β Card with instant release delivered immediately after opening the account;β Paycheck available in the application;β Anticipation of receivables from suppliers and customers;β Working Capital for business leverage;β Generation of new revenue to enhance future goals.Need help?For more information accesshttp://www.mentorebank.com.brContact our relationship team by sending a message to ourWhatsApp (85) 99179-8078.If you prefer, you can call 0800 377 1010.Service is available from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 9pm and Saturday, from 9am to 2:40pm.Modern, simple and agile with efficiency in the operations you have always sought. We will be onenew partner in your daily life with more opportunities to overcome, reinvent yourself and achieve.