Thank you for choosing our App !Please feel the effect for your body and mind!- Please read first -The information contained above is for general consumer understanding, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary.To produce the recorded sounds (referred to hereafter as Tones), we analyzed each and every aspect of classical music that has been recognized as effective in music therapy, then synthesized it using unique technology. In addition, all Tones are played automatically by a computer program.This is not typical soothing music that a human being would perform, so there will be some strange sounds on a few occasions. However, we ask that you please have faith in the results and keep listening to the end.Furthermore, if you start feeling unwell while listening, please stop immediately and take a break.We hope this App is helpful for you.meditone® Support Team.Tokyo JAPAN.Small bug fix