臺中市政府交通局為營造視障者友善乘車環境,特別開發「台中友善公車」APP,視障朋友或弱視民眾可利用該APP快速、便利預約上、下車之公車站位,期提供更友善、便利及人性化的乘車環境,建議一般使用者可使用「台中公車」APP。「台中友善公車」APP簡化了操作界面的查詢步驟、流程、輔以語音操作提示,配合TTS(Text to Speech)之中文語音輸出功能設計系統操作介面,協助視障及弱視朋友能快速、便利查詢本市公車路線到站資訊及使用本APP之各功能。「台中友善公車」APP功能特色如下:1. 公車動態:提供直覺化路線輸入查詢介面,可快速查詢路線資訊。2. 預約公車:開啟手機之定位服務後,提供友善預約上下車站位服務。3. 附近站牌:開啟手機之定位服務後,即可提供附近站牌資訊。4. 常用站牌:提供我的最愛路線收納功能。- 使用台中友善公車APP需開啟手機定位與推播權限- 目前預約公車為試辦功能,試辦路線為27、74、92、107、123、212、213、215- 民眾到達想要預約上車的站位後,即可使用APP預約上、下車站位,APP會開始播報預約公車到站資訊,並會提醒司機此站位有被預約In order to create a friendly driving environment for the visually impaired, the Transportation Bureau of Taichung City Government has specially developed the "Taichung Friendly Bus" app. Visually impaired friends or people with low vision can use the APP to quickly and easily reserve bus stops for getting on and off the bus. , Convenient and user-friendly riding environment, it is recommended that general users can use the "Taichung Bus" APP.The "Taichung Friendly Bus" app simplifies the query steps and processes of the operation interface, supplemented by voice operation prompts, and cooperates with the Chinese voice output function of TTS (Text to Speech) to design the system operation interface to help visually impaired and visually impaired friends to query quickly and easily. City bus route arrival information and use of various functions of this APP.The features of the "Taichung Friendly Bus" APP are as follows:1. Bus dynamics: Provides intuitive route input query interface to quickly query route information.2. Book a bus: After the mobile phones location service is turned on, it will provide friendly service to make an appointment to get on and off the station.3. Nearby stops: After turning on the mobile phones location service, you can provide nearby stops.4. Favorite Stops: Provides the favorite route storage function.-To use the Taichung Friendly Bus App, you need to enable mobile positioning and push permission-At present, the reserved bus is a trial function, and the trial routes are 27, 74, 92, 107, 123, 212, 213, 215-After the people arrive at the station where they want to make a reservation for the bus, they can use the APP to make reservations for the upper and lower stations. The APP will start to broadcast the information of the bus reservation and will remind the driver that the station has been reserved增加無障礙車輛資訊