The Max booking calendar clearly displays a summary of apartment bookings from the Booking and Airbnb servers and allows you to add notes shared between users.This version is targeted at specific users, not stand-alone. If you are interested, contact the developer.Properties:* clear monthly display of reservations* large preview of daily events* Easy insertion and editing of notes* note color settings, notes for multiple days* display of several apartments at once, divided by cities* possibility of filtering according to the color of the apartmentInstructions:* Before installation, you need to set up a Google account on your phone, which contains apartment bookings and notes on them* the first time the application starts, it sets the correct calendars itself, it is necessary to enable permissions to access the phone calendar, for quick synchronization and to access contacts (and thus the account for synchronization)* if the calendars are not set, it is possible to set them easily manually in the Application settings (gear wheel), just check the calendars to display by apartment name and the entry calendar for the corresponding city by Google account name (email)* the transition between the moons is by a horizontal finger swipe* the day preview is displayed after tapping the day field in the month view* in the preview it is possible to fill in notes for apartments in the given cities in the upper part, after tapping at the end of the reservation it is possible to insert a one-letter note* notes can be deleted by deleting its text in the day preview* display filtering can be set in the menu at the top of the application* other settings, including displayed calendars and calendars for writing notes, are in Settings (gear in the menu)* can be switched to weekly view in the menu