All in one. Step by step solution. This app includes a lot of mathematics topics such as geometry, analytic geometry, equations and inequalities, quadratic function, linear function, linear system, circle equation, math sequences, algebra, vectors.It also contains units calculator.GEOMETRY- Triangles: equilateral triangle, right triangle, isosceles triangle, 30-60-90- Quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, right trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid, kite- Polygons: regular pentagon regular hexagon, regular octagon, regular dodecagon- circle, ellipse, annulus and annulus sector- Solids of revolution: sphere, cylinder, cone, truncated cone, barrel, spherical sector, spherical cap, spherical wedge, spherical lune, spherical segment, spherical zone- Prisms: cube, square prism, cuboid, triangular prism, regular triangular prism, hexagonal prism, pentagonal prism - Pyramids: regular tetrahedron, triangular pyramid, square pyramid, hexagonal pyramid- Others: Pythagorean theorem, Thales theorem, trigonometry, law of sines, law of cosinesEQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES- First and second degree- Quadratic equation- Quadratic inequality- Linear equation- Linear inequality- Equations with parameterANALYTIC GEOMETRY- Points and lines- Intersection point- Distance from point- Length of the segment- Parallel and Perpendicular line- Perpendicular bisector- Axial symmetry- Central symmetry- Translation by a vector- Angle between lines- Angle bisector- Bisector of the angle between two lines- Value of the angle from three points- Position of a point relative to a line- Relative position of two lines- Relative position of three points- Relative position of two circles- Relative position of a circle and a line- Relative position of a circle and a point- Translation of a circle by a vector- Circle reflection over point- Circle reflection over line- Circle with radius and two points- Circle with center and point- Circle with center and radius- Circle with three pointsQUADRATIC FUNCTION- standard form- vertex form- factored form- discriminant of the quadratic function- real roots (zeros)- vertex of a parabola- intersection of the Y-Axis- monotonicity (increasing, decreasing)- positive and negative values (inequalities)LINEAR FUNCTION- slope-intercept form- standard form- distance between two points- midpoint of a line segment- line segment bisector- parallel line- perpendicular line- distance from a point to a line- equation of the line passing through 2 pointsLINEAR SYSTEMFour methods for solving systems:- Substitution method - Elimination method - Graph method- Method of determinantsCIRCLE EQUATION- standard form- general form- tangent line to the circleMATH SEQUENCES- properties of geometric progression: initial term, any mth term and nth term, ratio, sum of n terms, general formula- properties of arithmetic progression: initial term, any mth term and nth term, difference, sum of n terms, general formula- properties of geometric series: initial term, ratio, sumALGEBRA- greatest common divisor (gcd)- least common multiple (lcm)VECTORS- 2D and 3D- Length of a vector- Dot product- Cross product- Addition and subtractionUNITS (calculator)- Length, distance- Mass- Velocity- Power- Pressure- Temperature- Time- Energy- Data2.35 - Relative position of two circles - Relative position of a circle and a line - Relative position of a circle and a point 2.34 - Translation of a circle by a vector - Circle reflection over point - Circle reflection over line - Circle with radius and two points 2.33 - Circle with center and point - Circle with center and radius - Circle with three points