*About the MaterialDrawer*Does your application *contain a Drawer*? Do you want to have it up and running in *less than 5 minutes*? Do you want your drawer to follow the *Android Design Guidelines*? Do you have profiles? Do you need *flexibility*? Is *Googles navigation Drawer of the design support* not enough for you? Do you want a *simple and easy* to understand api?*If any (or all) of these questions seem familiar, the MaterialDrawer is the perfect library for you.**Never* waste your time again. It provides you with the easiest possible implementation of a navigation drawer for your application. There is a Header with profiles (*AccountHeader*), a *MiniDrawer* for Tablets (like Gmail), provide *custom DrawerItems, custom colors, custom themes, ... No limits for customizations*.*A quick overview about whats in*ā¤ *the easiest possible integration*ā¤ integrate in less then *5 minutes*ā¤ compatible down to *API Level 10*ā¤ includes an *AccountSwitcher*ā¤ quick and simple apiā¤ follows the *Google Material Design Guidelines*ā¤ use *vector* (.svg) icons and *icon fonts* via the *Android-Iconics* integration ā¤ *Google Material Design* Icons, Google *Material Community* Design Icons, *FontAwesome* and moreā¤ comes with various *themes* which help to get your own themes cleanā¤ modify the colors on the goā¤ *uses the AppCompat support library v23*ā¤ comes with multiple default drawer itemsā¤ based on a *RecyclerView*ā¤ *RTL* supportā¤ Gmail like *MiniDrawer*ā¤ *badge* supportā¤ define custom drawer itemsā¤ tested and *stable*ā¤ sticky footer or headersā¤ absolutely *NO limits*This is the sample app for the library. You can find all details, how to use, ... on the github page!--> https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer <--
Dipankar Das
2 years ago
Far Han
2 years ago
JoĆ£o Massena
2 years ago
Elliot Klein
2 years ago
Jens Driller
2 years ago
Good job!
Santosh Dawanse
2 years ago
Where can I find step by step instructions to use it?