マッチングアプリ「タップル」で恋人探し・出会い探し!会員数600万人突破!(※1) の人気マッチングアプリです。「やりたいことや行きたい場所」でつながることができる恋活/婚活マッチングアプリを試してみませんか?マッチングアプリで理想の出会い・恋活・婚活をしよう!恋人が欲しい方には恋活アプリとして、結婚を考えている方には婚活アプリとして使える人気のマッチングアプリです!マッチングアプリで出会い/恋活/婚活をして理想のパートナーと出会おう!恋活はもちろん結婚相手を探す婚活も出来ます!真剣な出会い探しで結婚を考えられるような恋人を見つけませんか?忙しくて恋活/婚活が出来ない人に!恋活/婚活/出会い探しができるマッチングアプリで素敵な恋を探そう【こんなマッチングアプリを探している人にオススメのマッチングアプリ・tapple!】・マッチングアプリを使って趣味や好きなものが合う人と出会い/婚活/恋人探しがしたい・恋活や婚活のためにマッチングアプリでどんな人とマッチングするのか試してみたい・マッチングや出会い系アプリで彼氏/彼女探しをしたことがない・職場で出会いがないから無料のマッチングアプリで彼氏/彼女をつくりたい・結婚を考えられるような相手をマッチングアプリで探して出会う婚活/恋人探しがしたい・恋活や婚活を、出会い系アプリではなくマッチングアプリで試してみたい・彼氏/彼女が欲しいので、出会い系アプリではなくマッチングアプリで彼氏/彼女を見つけたい・無料であい系アプリで今までマッチング出来ず、婚活/恋人探しをしたことがない・出会い系アプリではなく安心安全にマッチングアプリを使って恋活をしたい/であいを探したい・マッチングアプリで真剣に婚活/恋人探しをして結婚を考えられるパートナーと出会いたい・マッチングアプリや出会系アプリを使って彼氏/彼女をつくったことがある・マッチングアプリや婚活アプリが色々ありすぎて最初にどんなアプリを使えばいいかわからない・出会い系サイトではなくマッチングアプリで真剣に彼氏/彼女をつくりたい・週末や仕事終わりなどにデートに行ける恋人と無料のマッチングアプリ/婚活アプリで出会いたい・完全無料で恋人探し/結婚相手探しができる恋活/婚活アプリを探している・従来の出会い系アプリや婚活サイトは使ったことがあるがマッチングアプリは初めて使う方・彼氏/彼女/恋人と別れてしまったので、登録無料のマッチングアプリで新しい彼氏/彼女/恋人を見つけたい・出会い系アプリではなくマッチングアプリ(まっちんぐあぷり)で趣味が合う人と出会いたい方・マッチングアプリで合コンや街コンよりお金を節約して出会い/婚活/恋人探しをしたい・婚活/マッチングアプリで本気で付き合える恋人/結婚を考えられる人と出会う恋活・婚活をしたい・マッチングアプリで結婚を考えられるような人と出会い、婚活/恋人探しをしたい・無料で彼氏/彼女/恋人探しができるマッチングアプリを探している・通勤時間や通学時間などスキマ時間で彼氏/彼女/恋人をつくるキッカケが欲しい・出会い/マッチングアプリ(まっちんぐあぷり)で婚活/恋人探しを真剣に始めたい方・無料の婚活サイトなどで結婚相手を探したことがあるが良い出会いがなかった・恋活/婚活を出会い/マッチングアプリから始めてみたい・行きたい場所をきっかけに出会えるマッチングアプリで彼氏/彼女をつくりたい・出会い/恋活/婚活を登録無料のマッチングアプリでしてみたい・マッチングアプリで結婚を前提に彼氏/彼女をつくりたい・無料のマッチングアプリで婚活をして結婚を考えられる人と出会いたい・出会い系アプリではなく、マッチングアプリで真剣に彼氏/彼女をつくりたい・従来の出会い系アプリではなくマッチングアプリで出会い/恋活を楽しんでみたい・最近、彼氏と別れてしまったので新しい彼氏・恋人となりそうな人を見つけたい女性の方・無料で異性と出会い、恋活/婚活/恋人づくりを楽しみたい・マッチングアプリで恋人を探す恋活/結婚相手を探す婚活をしたい・彼氏/彼女が欲しいと思っているが、なかなか彼氏/彼女ができない方・恋活/婚活をマッチングアプリで行い恋人や結婚を考えられる相手を探したい・マッチングアプリで恋活/婚活をして結婚を考えられる人と出会いたい・無料で登録できるマッチングアプリで恋活をして理想の彼氏・彼女・パートナーと出会いたい・いままでマッチングアプリや恋活アプリで彼氏/彼女をつくったことがないけど試してみたい・婚活サイトや婚活アプリで結婚相手を探したことがある・リアルで彼氏/彼女を探す時間がないので、彼氏/彼女はマッチングアプリで探してみたい・本気で趣味の合う彼氏/彼女が欲しいので、趣味から彼氏/彼女をつくれるアプリを使ってみたい・結婚を考えているが出会いがないため、まずはアプリで彼氏/彼女をつくりたい・婚活パーティーや街コンに行く時間がないため恋活/婚活アプリで気軽に婚活/恋活をして恋人を見つけたい・婚活をしたいがどうやって婚活を始めたらよいか分からないので、マッチングアプリで気軽に素敵な異性に出会いたい・マッチングアプリや婚活アプリで自分と相性の良い恋人やパートナーを見つけたい【恋活/婚活マッチングアプリ・タップルのここがオススメ】\会員数600万人突破(※1)/毎日7,000人が登録中の人気マッチングサービスです。マッチングアプリ タップルは従来の出会い系アプリとは異なり、大手サイバーエージェントグループ運営の24時間365日、安心安全の監視体制でみなさんの出会い・恋活をサポートしています。マッチングアプリってなに??いわゆる出会い系と言われている出会い系サイト・出会い系アプリとは異なり、安心・安全に彼氏・彼女・パートナー探しの機会を提供する恋活/婚活アプリです。▼タップルってなんで人気のマッチングアプリなの?▼\マッチング3億組突破(※2)/お互いのプロフィールをもとにマッチングが成立するとメッセージができるようになります。恋活/婚活アプリとして国内最大級の会員数を誇るタップルだからこそ、たくさんの方に出会いと恋活/婚活のチャンスが!\毎月10,000人に恋人誕生中(※3)/退会者のうち「タップルで恋人ができた」を選択した人数は毎月10,000人!マッチング数が国内最大級の人気の恋活/婚活アプリで今すぐ彼氏・彼女・パートナーを見つけてみませんか?\マッチングアプリ タップルは登録無料!気軽に恋活・婚活・恋人探しスタート/会員登録は男性も女性も完全無料です。会員登録後、男性はお相手を選んでマッチング成立までは完全無料で体験いただけます。またSNS連携が必要ないので完全匿名で簡単に恋活・婚活を始めて彼氏・彼女・パートナーを探すことができます。■恋人・友達・婚活・恋愛・メル友・飲み友達など様々なニーズにあった出会いを提供!趣味友から恋活・婚活の相手を見つけチャットできる恋活・婚活アプリです。■マッチングアプリ タップルの有料会員プランについてカップル成立後のメール送信は男性のみ有料になります。有料会員は1ヶ月,3ヶ月,6ヶ月,12ヶ月単位で購入いただくことができます。■プライバシーポリシーhttps://tapple.me/web/policy/privacy■タップル公式WEBサイトhttps://tapple.me/■利用規約https://tapple.me/web/policy/user■許認可インターネット異性紹介事業届出済 受理番号:30140070007■タップルの名前の由来「たっぷ」して「かっぷる」が生まれるということから、「たっぷる」という言葉が生まれました。※1 退会者を除く累計登録会員者数(2020年9月時点)※2 サービスリリース時からの累計マッチング発生回数(2020年10月時点)※3 アプリ内の退会アンケートで「タップルで恋人ができた」を選択した人数(2020年5月時点)Finding a lover / meeting with the matching app "Tapple"! The number of members has exceeded 6 million! (* 1) A popular matching app. Why dont you try a romance / marriage matching app that allows you to connect with "what you want to do and where you want to go"?Lets have an ideal encounter, love affair, and marriage with a matching app!It is a popular matching app that can be used as a romance app for those who want a lover and as a marriage app for those who are thinking of getting married!Meet / love / marry with a matching app and meet your ideal partner!You can do not only love activities but also marriage activities to find a marriage partner! Want to find a lover who can think of getting married in a serious encounter?For those who are too busy to live in love / marriage! Lets find a wonderful love with a matching app that allows you to search for love / marriage / encounter[Tapple, a matching app recommended for those who are looking for such a matching app! ]・ I want to use a matching app to meet people who match my hobbies and favorite things / marriage / lover search・ I want to try what kind of person to match with a matching app for love and marriage.・ I have never searched for a boyfriend / girlfriend with a matching or dating app・ I dont meet at work, so I want to make a boyfriend / girlfriend with a free matching app・ I want to find a partner who can think of getting married with a matching app and find a marriage / lover to meet.・ I want to try romance and marriage with a matching app instead of a dating app・ I want a boyfriend / girlfriend, so I want to find a boyfriend / girlfriend with a matching app instead of a dating app.・ I havent been able to match with a free app and have never searched for a marriage / lover.・ I want to use a matching app instead of a dating app to find a love affair.・ I want to meet a partner who can think about getting married by seriously looking for a marriage / lover with a matching app.・ I have made a boyfriend / girlfriend using a matching app or an encounter app.・ There are too many matching apps and marriage hunting apps, so I dont know what app to use first.・ I want to seriously make a boyfriend / girlfriend with a matching app instead of a dating site・ I want to meet a lover who can go on a date on weekends or after work with a free matching app / marriage activity app・ Im looking for a romance / marriage app that allows me to find a lover / marriage partner completely free of charge.・ Those who have used conventional dating apps and marriage hunting sites but are new to matching apps・ I broke up with my boyfriend / girlfriend / lover, so I want to find a new boyfriend / girlfriend / lover with the free registration app.・ People who want to meet people who have similar hobbies with a matching app (Machinguappuri) instead of a dating app・ I want to save money from a dating app or a dating app and find an encounter / marriage / lover・ I want to have a romance / marriage activity to meet a lover / a person who can think of marriage with a marriage activity / matching app.・ I want to meet people who can think of getting married with a matching app and find a marriage / lover.・ Im looking for a matching app that allows me to find a boyfriend / girlfriend / lover for free.・ I want a chance to make a boyfriend / girlfriend / lover in the gap time such as commuting time and school time・ Those who want to seriously start marriage / lover search with the encounter / matching app (Machinguappuri)・ I have searched for a marriage partner on a free marriage activity site, but I did not have a good encounter.・ I want to start a love / marriage activity from an encounter / matching app・ I want to make a boyfriend / girlfriend with a matching app that allows me to meet where I want to go・ I want to register for encounter / romance / marriage with a free matching app・ I want to make a boyfriend / girlfriend on the premise of marriage with a matching app・ I want to meet people who can marry and think about getting married with a free matching app・ I want to seriously make a boyfriend / girlfriend with a matching app, not a dating app・ I want to enjoy dating / romance with a matching app instead of the traditional dating app・ Women who want to find a new boyfriend or lover because they recently broke up with their boyfriend・ I want to meet the opposite sex for free and enjoy romance / marriage / lover making・ Search for a lover with a matching app.・ Those who want a boyfriend / girlfriend but cannot easily have a boyfriend / girlfriend・ I want to find a lover or someone who can think of marriage by doing love / marriage with a matching app.・ I want to meet people who can think of getting married by having a love / marriage activity with a matching app.・ I want to meet my ideal boyfriend, girlfriend, and partner by having a romance with a matching app that can be registered for free.・ I have never made a boyfriend / girlfriend with a matching app or a romance app, but I want to try it.・ I have searched for a marriage partner on a marriage hunting site or a marriage hunting app.・ I dont have time to find my boyfriend / girlfriend in real life, so I want to find my boyfriend / girlfriend with a matching app.・ I really want a boyfriend / girlfriend who has a good taste, so I want to use an app that allows me to create a boyfriend / girlfriend from my hobbies.・ Im thinking of getting married, but I havent met, so I want to make a boyfriend / girlfriend with the app first.・ Because I dont have time to go to a speed dating party or a town party, I want to feel free to get married / love and find a lover with the love / marriage app.・ I want to get married, but I dont know how to start getting married, so I want to feel free to meet a wonderful opposite sex with a matching app.・ I want to find a lover or partner who is compatible with me with a matching app or marriage app[Recommended here for love / marriage matching app Tapple] Number of members exceeded 6 million (* 1) /It is a popular matching service with 7,000 people registered every day.Matching app Tapple is different from the conventional dating app, and supports your encounter and love life with a safe and secure monitoring system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year operated by a major cyber agent group.What is a matching app? ??Unlike the so-called dating site / dating app, it is a romance / marriage app that provides a safe and secure opportunity to find a boyfriend / girlfriend / partner.▼ Why is Tapple a popular matching app? ▼ Matching exceeded 300 million pairs (* 2) /You will be able to send a message when matching is established based on each others profiles.Because Tapple boasts the largest number of members in Japan as a romance / marriage app, you can meet many people and have a chance to meet and romance / marriage! 10,000 lovers are born every month (* 3) /The number of withdrawals who chose "I have a lover with Tapple" is 10,000 every month! Why dont you find your boyfriend / girlfriend / partner right now with the most popular romance / marriage app in Japan? Matching app Tapple is free to register! Feel free to start looking for love / marriage / lover /Membership registration is completely free for both men and women.After registering as a member, men can choose a partner and experience it completely free of charge until matching is established.Also, since there is no need to link with SNS, you can easily start romance / marriage activities and find a boyfriend / girlfriend / partner completely anonymously.■ Providing encounters that meet various needs such as lovers, friends, marriage activities, romance, e-mail friends, and drinking friends!It is a romance / marriage app that allows you to find and chat with your hobby friends.■ About the paid membership plan of the matching app TappleOnly men will be charged for sending emails after the couple is formed.Paid members can purchase in 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month units.■ Privacy policyhttps://tapple.me/web/policy/privacy■ Tapple official websitehttps://tapple.me/■ Terms of usehttps://tapple.me/web/policy/user■ PermitsInternet heterosexual introduction business notification completed Acceptance number: 30140070007■ Origin of the name of TappleThe word "couple" was born from the fact that "couple" is born.* 1 Cumulative number of registered members excluding withdrawals (as of September 2020)* 2 Cumulative number of matching occurrences since the service was released (as of October 2020)* 3 Number of people who selected "I have a lover with Tapple" in the in-app withdrawal questionnaire (as of May 2020)