MOST Mobile Mandiri Sekuritas at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
keep crashing in android 12
It's not user friendly apps, all the menus are very hard to understand. I will not using this app anymore after xfer all of my money back to my bank account.
Lumayan oke tampilannya. Informasi tentang emiten gak update. Buat pemesanan ipo, waran, dan right issue masih kurang oke.
the feel of this app is as if made by some intern
Kenapa kalo saya tulis watchlist banyak app nya suka reset sendiri ya, jadi bingung..
Mandiri sekuritas ada layanan saham, reksadana dan obligasi/ sukuk, sebaiknya diintegrasikan dalm 1 aplikasi untuk mempermudah konsumen