Experience the living graphic novel Mahabharata Gods & Heroes! THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLDIn an ancient world where demonic kings rule from flying airships using mantra-guided atomic weapons to terrorize the population, the rivalry between the royal cousins ends in the most significant conflict of the lost civilizations: the Battle of Kurukshetra. Drawn by the award-winning Artist, Igor Barankó (DC Comics, Les Humanoides Associes) and the 360ART.pro team.• BEAUTIFUL GRAPHIC NOVEL WITHOUT PAGES The Scrollmotion technology brings the graphic novel to life!• ORIGINAL SOUNDSDive deeper into the story with soundtracks and sound effects for the total immersive experience.Get two сhapters for free! Second book will be released in 2021-------------------------------FOLLOW US TO KNOW MORE:-------------------------------Web: mahabharata.proFacebook: facebook.com/mahabharatagodsInstagram: @mahabharatagods