LYDIA Voice is the technologically leading voice solution for voice-guided work processes in logistics, industry, production and maintenance. Use the LYDIA Voice Demo to test a voice picking process that is typical for intralogistics. You are guided through a picking order via voice dialog and assemble a customer order. In this case, LYDIA Voice replaces the classic picking list.Experience how LYDIA Voice recognizes your voice inputs immediately and with maximum accuracy. This accuracy characterizes LYDIA Voice as a speech recognition technology for the B2B sector.LYDIA Voice is certified by Zebra and is compatible with the voice-enabled mobile computers from this manufacturers portfolio. topsystem GmbH provides LYDIA Voice as an independent software provider (ISV) from Zebra.Voice-guided processes provide the advantage that employees keep both hands and eyes free for their tasks. Whether in order picking, quality control or checklisting, LYDIA Voice allows employees to concentrate fully on their next step. This significantly increases the quality and efficiency of the processes.Features of LYDIA Voiceā¢ Reliable voice recognition in each process stepā¢ Immediately ready to go thanks to speaker-independent voice recognitionā¢ Available in all national languagesā¢ Easy and intuitive operation by voiceFor further information please visit