The free AbfallApp offers information around the topic of disposal. The app is a reliable reminder of every disposal date and is set up in no time at all:1. Enter the street2. Select the type of material3. Set reminder time. Finished!ALL DATES IN ONE LIST:The menu item »Appointments« displays the check list for the current month. It can be scrolled monthly back and forth. Pick-up dates from the past are displayed in gray.MULTIPLE MEMORIES:Under the menu item »Settings« several reminders can be created for each type of waste. This always makes sense if the user has to make preparations for an appointment. For example, with yellow sack or hazardous wasteLOCATION SEARCH AND NAVIGATION WITH GPSSo everyone is in the right place at the right time. The locations are marked with pins on an overview map. With a hint on the pin, the detailed information about the location is displayed. When opening hours are defined, the color marker of the pin indicates the availability of the location: The user can start navigation to the location.MESSAGESWith text, image and GPS data attached, a message can be sent to the administration. For GPS data transmission, the location on the map is marked with a crosshair.*** IMPORTANT NOTE ***Please include the app in the exception of Battery Saver apps or Taskkiller apps. Only then can the app be punctually reminiscent of the pickup.