ā¢ Compare GPS Location with Network Locationā¢ Displays Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Accuracy, Altitude, Bearing, and Time.ā¢ View the Satellite Signal strength, the PRN number, and the type (GPS, GLONASS, SBAS or BEIDOU)ā¢ View the number of satellites used in a GPS Location fix in addition to those in range.ā¢ View and Save NMEA 0183 Messages received by your GPS receiver. It also shows the GPS time.ā¢ Displays internal GPS and Network Statuses.ā¢ Fully Configurable - Change the GPS and/or Network update rates (both time and distance), change speed units (mph, km/h, m/s), and change distance units (feet or meters).ā¢ No ads and minimal permissions! (see below for permissions list)ā¢ Dont want to pay? Try the free version - GPS Info & NMEA LoggingGPS Info & NMEA Logging allows you to view and compare the difference between your network/Wi-Fi location and your GPS module location. There are two other screens in addition to this main view:The Satellite Data View shows the satellites used in the current GPS fix along with their signal strength and type. In addition to that it also shows any other satellites that are in range.The NMEA Logger View shows all of the NMEA 0183 messages that are being received by the GPS module. It gives the option to save the log into memory that can either be looked at later or pulled off the device and onto a computer for easier viewing. Requirements ā¢ Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and upā¢ Screen size of 2.7" or greater Known Issues:- On Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) it is possible to have a location manager crash if the GPS update rate is set > 0.Workaround: Keep the GPS update rate set to 0 if your Android version is 2.3.- On some devices, the Network and GPS update rates in seconds may be ignored in favor of the update rate in meters. It tends to happen especially if there is a weak GPS signal. Workaround: None.- On some devices, the "Number of GPS Satellites Used in Fix" is 0 or is inaccurate. This number is supposed to be returned from the internal GPS; however not all devices support this. Workaround: Go into the Satellite Data view and count the satellites used in the fix. This number is always accurate. In future updates, the "satellites used in fix" number will be calculated from here. Permissions: ā¢ Coarse Location - Used for Network Location ā¢ Fine Location - Used for GPS Locationā¢ Storage - Used only for saving the NMEA logs- Added option to only display 50 lines of NMEA logs at a time while still saving the full logs.
Lee Bowman
2 years ago
Worked well seeing satellites that are in range of me.