LOVEWELL is a safe check-in to help staff discover and communicate their well-being. Our team is committed to the highest levels of anonymity so that there can be real honesty and care. LOVEWELL aims to address the REAL hurt and pain so REAL help can be offered. WHY?For too long there has been a disparity and division between those in higher levels of leadership and the rest of the team. We want to give a voice to every employee so they and the organization can WIN together. This will only happen if real trust and a commitment to being ONE as an organization exist. This first starts with every employee taking responsibility for their own lives. Secondarily comes the organizations contribution to the care of the employees first, and then the organization’s contribution toward the company. We are here to help! HOW DOES IT WORK?Users will be sent a weekly push notification that will invite them to take a short survey. Our team collects the data over a period of time (normally 3 months) and then we present the data to the whole team, NOT the leadership of the organization first. We do this because we desire for staff (no matter their hierarchical status) to not only have a voice, but also to accept the wins and the losses of the organization together. Once the data has been collected and presented, we will work with the team to bring real-life change through our network of Coaches, Shepherds, Mentors, and Counselors.