This application contains a collection of MODs for BUSSID. In this application, dozens of mods with various types of vehicles have been provided, such as,There are SR3 STJ Draka buses, jetbus hd2+, hd, mhd, shd, hdd, uhd, dd, xhd Prime, jb3+, Avante, Bummel. There are canter trucks, fuso, hino, young oppa canters, anti-gossip canters. there are many more mods in this application which later we can add more mods that you can download easily without extracting and without safelink.why choose this application?- Dozens of mods available in this application.- Download mods easily without extracting and without safelink.- The mod will be added without having to update the application.- The small size of less than 10mb allows it to be used on all smartphones.With this application you can download mods easily and without hassle. there are many more mods for BUSSID such as the Hino Truck mod, Canter Truck, Fuso Truck, Jetbus 3+ SHD Bus, Jetbus 3+ SDD Bus, Skyliner Bus, Jetliner Bus, and many more.