Create Powerful LinksSay goodbye to your old-style single bio link. Smartly Link lets you add multiple url links for your viewers.It’s like you’re right there guiding them to go on different locations.You Have a Store ? a video ? or something interesting in your blog, Link them one time and it instantly reflects on all your social-media.You will never have to change your social bio links ...E-V-E-R!Watch Your Link AnalyticsSee How people click on your links, from where they come and above all, you get to add your Google Analytics Code and Facebook Pixel to retarget them back in your ad campaigns.WIN WIN For Everyone..You are the SAMURAI for your incoming traffic.Be a Pro and have access to.Unlimited LinksSocial Media LinksCustom themes, stylish buttons, elegant backdropsShowcase with a title or short bioPriority LinksSet Time for links to go liveComplete AnalyticsFacebook Pixel and Google AnalyticsLink Performance ReportTry Smartly Link Today!