The following line networks are offline available (without any additional download):• city networkFacebook: https://dieeinsteiger.blogspot.comSimple zoomable line network app for all Essen residents and tourists!Just some simple maps, which you can use offline for scrolling around, zooming in and out. The App has a few tabs with different types of transit maps.The metro line network is also known as underground, rail transit map, urban tube map or public subway.You can leave suggestions for improvement, ideas, wishes or simply feedback by e-mail or in the respective contact form on the following page:• Usable with phone and tablet with Android 4.4 (KitKat, API 19) to Android 13.0 (API 33).• The content of the apps is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.• The embedded maps in this app be subject to the Creative-Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and were created by Wikipedia-User Sebastian Sothen (copyright holder).Have fun in the Google Play Store, dieEinsteiger.