広告なしで楽曲を無料試聴できる音楽アプリ!ダウンロード後は、オフライン再生でギガを気にせず音楽を聴くことが可能。楽曲数は9000万曲以上!MVも10万曲以上!カラオケ機能など、音楽を楽しめるコンテンツが満載です。無料トライアルも実施中!◆LINE MUSICの特徴◆無料でお好きな音楽&MVが試聴できる!何度でも30秒試聴可能!まずはお気軽にお試しください。カラオケができる!『カラオケ機能』を使えば、本格的なカラオケが楽しめます。オリジナル音源でカラオケボックスにはない曲も歌えます!音程バー&採点機能も搭載!自宅や出先で練習しよう!「LINE 着うたR」でLINEの無料通話をより楽しくLINE MUSICの楽曲から、好きな曲をLINEの無料通話の着信音・呼出音に設定可能!※「LINE 着うたR」の利用は、月に1回まで無料です。曲を保存すればギガ・通信量を気にせず楽しめる!ダウンロード後はオフライン再生可能なため、気兼ねなく音楽を楽しめます。その他にも、LINEのプロフィールBGMの設定や、好みの曲を自動で連続再生、サウンド調整も!◆プランのご紹介◆【学割プラン】学生限定!定額聴き放題サービスが月額480円からご利用いただけます。【年間プラン】月額プランを1年間利用するよりもお支払額が安くなります。【ファミリープラン】家族で使えば、最大6人一緒に聴き放題!一人ずつのご利用よりもリーズナブルな価格で楽しめます。※自動更新プランのご利用に際して・次の決済の24時間前までに継続を解除しないかぎり、自動で更新されます。・前の決済期間が終了してから24時間以内に自動的に継続されます。・自動継続更新中でもアカウント設定からキャンセルが可能です。・キャンセルしても、すでに購入されたプランの残存期間中はご利用が可能です。【お問い合わせ】サービスに関連する不具合や、その他お問い合わせは下記のアドレスよりお願いいたします。メールアドレス:
[email protected]ヘルプ> https://help2.line.me/LINEMusic/android【『LINE MUSIC(ラインミュージック)』はこんな方へおすすめ】◆お得に♪音楽を楽しみたい方・音楽無料聴き放題トライアルがある人気の音楽アプリが欲しい・学生プランがある音楽アプリで、音楽をダウンロードしたい・家カラオケで歌いたいので、歌詞付きの音楽が聴けるアプリを使いたい・音楽を聴くアプリで、学割がある曲聴くアプリを探している・ミュージック無料ダウンロード!は不安なので、安価な人気音楽アプリを利用したい・音楽ストリーミングサービスの音楽を聴くアプリで年間プランがある音楽配信アプリが欲しい・曲購入せずとも音楽無料再生できるもので、音楽配信サービスをじっくり試したい・音楽をダウンロードするアプリの中で、Wi-Fiなしでも聴けて、学割がある音楽保存アプリを使いたい・最新音楽、人気音楽が聴けるミュージックアプリで歌ダウンロード可能、聴き放題のプランを使い音楽を楽しみたい・アプリを閉じても聴ける人気の音楽アプリで、音楽無料聴き放題トライアルを試したい・無料音楽聴き放題、全曲無料ダウンロードではなくていいので、お得なプランがある音楽プレーヤーを使いたい◆便利な♪音楽アプリを利用したい方・音楽ダウンロード後にオフライン再生可能なミュージックアプリで作業用BGMを探したい・おすすめや音楽ランキングから人気曲を探せる曲聴く音楽プレイヤーが欲しい・曲をBGMとして流すため、閉じても聴けるバックグラウンド再生可能な音楽聴き放題アプリを使いたい・ストリーミングで連続再生できる聴き放題の人気音楽アプリが欲しい・音楽保存が可能な音楽配信アプリでJ-pop曲や韓国の人気音楽を楽しみたい・閉じても聴けるバックグラウンド再生可能な音楽配信サービスを利用したい・音楽ストリーミング再生だけではなく、有料でも曲をダウンロードしてオフライン再生で聴きたい・曲検索したり、ひとりカラオケで歌える人気の音楽アプリでミュージックを楽しみたい・音楽配信アプリで歌をダウンロードしておき、Wi-Fiなしでも音楽をフルで聴けるようにしたい・曲ダウンロード後はWi-Fiなしでも聴けるオフラインミュージックアプリを移動中に使用したい・広告なし&閉じても聴けるバックグラウンド再生可能な使いやすい音楽ストリーミングサービスを利用したい・音楽プレーヤーとしても、「着うたR」でLINEの着信音用としても使えるLINEのアプリが欲しい・歌をダウンロードできる音楽アプリで、閉じても聴けるバックグラウンド再生可能なおすすめの人気音楽アプリが欲しい・音楽聴き放題で、オフライン再生やループ再生できる曲聴くアプリを探している・最新曲の音楽聴き放題で着信音設定もできるラインの音楽ダウンロードアプリを使ってみたい・音楽入れるアプリでインターネットなしでも音楽を聴けるようにしたい・ダウンロードできる音楽アプリで保存した曲を、ドライブ中にオフライン再生でBGMとして流したい・Wi-Fiなくても聴けるバックグラウンド再生可能な音楽を聴くアプリで、気分の上がる曲を探したい・オフライン再生可能&画面を閉じても聴けるバックグラウンド再生可能な音楽アプリが欲しい・歌を無料ダウンロードできなくてもいいので、広告なし&音楽無料試聴できる人気の音楽アプリを使いたい・有料でも、曲がオフライン再生可能な音楽を聴くアプリでギガを気にせずMusicを楽しみたい・ダウンロードした音楽を作業用BGMにしたい・月額制で歌&曲をダウンロードできてオフライン再生可能な音楽アプリを探している・スマホで音楽を聴くアプリで、LINEの着信音設定もしたい・音楽保存して、Wi-Fiなしでも音楽を聴けるようにしたい・曲を聴くだけの無料音楽アプリと併用して、音楽ダウンロードできるMusicアプリが欲しい・広告なし&人気曲がある音楽を聴くアプリを探している◆楽しく♪カラオケを満喫したい方・カラオケ屋に行かなくてもヒトカラが楽しめるカラオケアプリが欲しい・広告なしのミュージックアプリで、カラオケができるものを探している・カラオケ採点や音程バー機能付きの便利なカラオケ練習アプリが欲しい・サブスクのカラオケアプリで人気の最新曲を歌いたい・音楽聴き放題人気ミュージックアプリの中でも、カラオケ練習ができる歌詞付き音楽アプリを使いたい・採点がある1人カラオケアプリで楽しみたい・カラオケ配信アプリを使う前に、最新曲が歌えるラインのカラオケアプリで練習したい・完全無料のカラオケアプリでは曲数が少なかったので、有料でも曲数の多いカラオケアプリが欲しい・カラオケ音源で歌を練習できる歌詞付き音楽アプリで音程をつかみたい・歌詞付きカラオケアプリ(音楽アプリ)でひとりカラオケを楽しみたい・完全無料ではなくていいのでカラオケができる音楽プレーヤーが欲しい・採点付きカラオケアプリで好きな歌を練習したい◆豊富な♪音楽ジャンルから曲&歌を探したい方・音楽無料アプリではなくていいのでアニソン曲が聴ける音楽アプリが欲しい・80年代J-popが聴ける音楽プレイヤーを探している・最新音楽を知りたいので、音楽ランキングが見れるミュージックアプリが欲しい・Wi-Fiなくても聴ける音楽ダウンロードアプリで、好きなJ-popやK-popをフルで楽しみたい・簡単に曲探しができるMusicアプリが欲しい・ボカロや日本のアニソンなど、音楽検索機能で音楽を探せて、試聴もできるミュージックアプリが欲しい・最新音楽や音楽ランキングから曲探しできて、閉じても聴ける人気の音楽アプリを利用したい・色々なジャンルのMusicリストから、音楽をダウンロードしたい・おすすめMusicなど、簡単に曲探しできるミュージック再生アプリを使いたい・音楽検索機能がある音楽聴き放題の歌詞付き音楽アプリで新ジャンルの曲を試聴したい・歌詞付きミュージックアプリでトレンドのK-popの曲探しがしたい・試聴無料音楽アプリを使い、どんな歌&音楽があるか音楽リストで曲調べしたい・曲数が多く、オフライン再生可能なミュージックアプリが欲しい◆こんな方にもおすすめです・お気に入りK-pop Musicを着信音にしたい・ミュージックビデオも楽しめる人気の音楽アプリを使いたい・好きな歌&曲をラインの着信音に設定したい・「LINE 着うたR」が設定できる、おんがくアプリが欲しい・お試し音楽無料アプリを使用し、操作感を試したい・サブスク契約前に、音楽ストリーミングサービスを無料体験したい・「LINE 着うたR」で着信音もトレンドに合わせたい※「着うたR」は、株式会社ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメントの商標または登録商標です。プライバシーポリシー > https://terms2.line.me/LINEMusic_privacy/sp?lang=en利用規約 > https://terms2.line.me/LINEMusic_terms/sp?lang=enA music app that allows you to listen to songs for free without ads!After downloading, you can listen to music without worrying about giga by offline playback.Over 90 million songs! More than 100,000 MVs!It is full of contents that you can enjoy music such as karaoke function.Free trial is also underway!◆ Features of LINE MUSIC ◆ You can listen to your favorite music & MV for free! You can listen to it for 30 seconds as many times as you like!Please feel free to try it first. You can karaoke! If you use the "Karaoke function", you can enjoy full-scale karaoke.You can sing songs that are not in the karaoke box with the original sound source!Also equipped with a pitch bar and scoring function! Practice at home or on the go! Make LINE free calls more fun with "LINE Chaku-Uta R" From LINE MUSIC songs, you can set your favorite songs as ringtones and ringtones for LINE free calls!* The use of "LINE Chaku-Uta R" is free up to once a month. If you save the song, you can enjoy it without worrying about giga and communication volume! After downloading, you can play it offline, so you can enjoy music without hesitation.In addition, you can set LINE profile BGM, automatically play your favorite songs continuously, and adjust the sound!◆ Introduction of plan ◆[Student discount plan] For students only! You can use the flat-rate all-you-can-listen service from 480 yen per month.[Annual plan] The payment amount will be cheaper than using the monthly plan for one year.[Family plan] If you use it as a family, you can listen to up to 6 people together! You can enjoy it at a more reasonable price than using it one by one.* When using the automatic renewal plan・ Unless you cancel the continuation 24 hours before the next payment, it will be automatically renewed.・ It will be automatically continued within 24 hours after the previous payment period ends.・ You can cancel from the account settings even during automatic continuous renewal.・ Even if you cancel, you can still use the plan for the remaining period of the purchased plan.【inquiry】For service-related problems and other inquiries, please use the address below.Email address:
[email protected]> https://help2.line.me/LINEMusic/android["LINE MUSIC" is recommended for people like this]◆ Great value ♪ Those who want to enjoy music・ I want a popular music app with an all-you-can-listen music trial・ I want to download music with a music app that has a student plan・ I want to sing at home karaoke, so I want to use an app that allows me to listen to music with lyrics.・ Im looking for an app to listen to songs with a student discount.・ Free music download! Im worried, so I want to use an inexpensive popular music app・ I want a music distribution app that has an annual plan for listening to music from a music streaming service.・ I want to thoroughly try out the music distribution service because it allows me to play music for free without purchasing songs.・ I want to use a music storage app that has a student discount and can be listened to without Wi-Fi among apps that download music.・ You can download songs with the music app that allows you to listen to the latest music and popular music, and want to enjoy music using an all-you-can-listen plan.・ I want to try an all-you-can-listen music trial with a popular music app that you can listen to even if you close the app.・ You dont have to listen to free music and download all songs for free, so you want to use a music player with a great plan.◆ Convenient ♪ Those who want to use the music app・ I want to find a work BGM with a music app that can be played offline after downloading music.・ I want a music player to listen to songs that can search for popular songs from recommendations and music rankings.・ Since the song is played as BGM, I want to use an all-you-can-listen music app that can be played in the background even when closed.・ I want a popular music app that can be played continuously by streaming.・ I want to enjoy J-pop songs and popular Korean music with a music distribution app that can save music.・ I want to use a music distribution service that can be played in the background even when closed.・ I want to download songs and listen to them offline, not only for streaming music, but also for a fee.・ I want to enjoy music with a popular music app that allows me to search for songs and sing alone in karaoke.・ I want to download songs with a music distribution app so that I can listen to music in full without Wi-Fi.・ I want to use an offline music app that I can listen to without Wi-Fi after downloading songs while Im on the move.・ I want to use an easy-to-use music streaming service that can be played in the background without ads and can be listened to even when closed.・ I want a LINE app that can be used both as a music player and as a LINE ringtone with "Chaku-Uta R".・ I want a recommended popular music app that can be played in the background even if it is closed, with a music app that allows you to download songs.・ Im looking for an app to listen to songs that can be played offline or in a loop with all-you-can-listen music.・ I want to use the music download app of the line that allows you to listen to the latest songs as much as you want and set the ringtone.・ I want to be able to listen to music without the Internet with an app that puts music in.・ I want to play a song saved with a downloadable music app as BGM by offline playback while driving.・ I want to find a song that makes me feel better with an app that listens to music that can be played in the background without Wi-Fi.・ I want a music app that can be played offline and played in the background even if the screen is closed.・ I dont have to be able to download songs for free, so I want to use a popular music app that allows you to listen to music for free without ads.・ I want to enjoy music without worrying about giga with an app that listens to music that can be played offline even for a fee.・ I want to use downloaded music as work BGM・ Im looking for a music app that can download songs and songs on a monthly basis and can be played offline.・ I want to set the ringtone for LINE with an app that listens to music on my smartphone.・ I want to save music so that I can listen to music without Wi-Fi.・ I want a music app that allows me to download music in combination with a free music app that just listens to songs.・ Im looking for an app to listen to music with no ads and popular songs◆ Fun ♪ Those who want to enjoy karaoke・ I want a karaoke app that allows you to enjoy karaoke without going to a karaoke shop.・ Im looking for an ad-free music app that can play karaoke.・ I want a convenient karaoke practice app with karaoke scoring and pitch bar functions.・ I want to sing the latest popular songs with the subscription karaoke app・ All-you-can-listen to music Among the popular music apps, I want to use a music app with lyrics that allows you to practice karaoke.・ I want to enjoy using a one-person karaoke app with a score・ Before using the karaoke distribution app, I want to practice with the karaoke app on the line where I can sing the latest songs.・ Since the number of songs was small in the completely free karaoke app, I want a karaoke app with a large number of songs even if it is paid.・ I want to get the pitch with a music app with lyrics that allows me to practice singing with a karaoke sound source.・ I want to enjoy karaoke alone with a karaoke app (music app) with lyrics・ I want a music player that can play karaoke because it doesnt have to be completely free.・ I want to practice my favorite song with a karaoke app with a score◆ Abundant ♪ Those who want to search for songs & songs from music genres・ I want a music app that allows me to listen to anime songs because it doesnt have to be a free music app.・ Im looking for a music player that can listen to 80s J-pop.・ I want to know the latest music, so I want a music app that allows me to see the music rankings.・ I want to fully enjoy my favorite J-pop and K-pop with a music download app that can be listened to without Wi-Fi.・ I want a music app that makes it easy to find songs・ I want a music app that allows you to search for music with the music search function, such as Vocaloid and Japanese anime songs, and listen to it.・ I want to use a popular music app that allows me to search for songs from the latest music and music rankings and listen to them even when I close them.・ I want to download music from various genres of music lists・ I want to use a music playback app that makes it easy to find songs, such as recommended music.・ I want to listen to songs of a new genre with a music app with all-you-can-listen lyrics that has a music search function.・ I want to find trendy K-pop songs with a music app with lyrics.・ I want to use the free listening music app to find out what kind of songs and music are available in the music list.・ I want a music app that has a large number of songs and can be played offline.◆ Recommended for people like this・ I want to use my favorite K-pop Music as a ringtone・ I want to use a popular music app that allows me to enjoy music videos・ I want to set my favorite song & song as the ringtone of the line・ I want a music app that allows you to set "LINE Chaku-Uta R"・ I want to try the operation feeling using the trial music free app.・ I want to try the music streaming service for free before subscribing.・ I want to match the ringtone with the trend with "LINE Chaku-Uta R"* "Chaku-Uta R" is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Music Entertainment Inc.Privacy Policy> https://terms2.line.me/LINEMusic_privacy/sp?lang=enTerms of Use> https://terms2.line.me/LINEMusic_terms/sp?lang=en