Offline Survival Manual at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)

Developer: ligi
Price: 0 free
Current version: 1.5, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 02 Sep 2024
App size: 8 Mb
4.8 ( 8608 ratings )
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This is a Survival Manual / Guide based on the ( public domain ) US Army Survival Field-Manual FM 21-76 It is fully working offline ( which is important to survive in a case of some extreme situation )It contains info on how to make fire, build a shelter, heal and other useful content in a case of emergency.Background:
In the mist of the current political situation ( Trump & Hillary in USA, AfD in Germany ) I had to prepare for doomsday scenarios and was searching for a good Survival Guide that I can use offline - there where some but none of them where really good & fitting. Also there was none free software ( FOSS ) on FDroid. Hence I was writing this Software.
It contains the following content:
INTRODUCTION- Survival Actions- Pattern for Survival
PSYCHOLOGY- A Look at Stress- Natural Reactions- Preparing Yourself
PLANNING AND KITS- Importance of Planning- Survival Kits
BASIC MEDICINE- Requirements for Maintenance of Health- Medical Emergencies- Lifesaving Steps- Bone and Joint Injury- Bites and Stings- Wounds- Environmental Injuries- Herbal Medicines
SHELTER- Primary Shelter—Uniform- Shelter Site Selection- Types of Shelters
WATER PROCUREMENT- Water Sources- Still Construction- Water Purification- Water Filtration Devices
FIRE- Basic Fire Principles- Site Selection and Preparation- Fire Material Selection- How to Build a Fire- How to Light a Fire
FOOD PROCUREMENT- Animals for Food- Traps and Snares- Killing Devices- Fishing Devices- Cooking and Storage of Fish and Game
SURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS- Edibility of Plants- Plants for Medicine- Miscellaneous Uses of Plants
POISONOUS PLANTS- How Plants Poison- All About Plants- Rules for Avoiding Poisonous Plants- Contact Dermatitis- Ingestion Poisoning
DANGEROUS ANIMALS- Insects and Arachnids- Leeches- Bats- Venomous Snakes- Snake-Free Areas- Dangerous Lizards- Dangers in Rivers- Dangers in Bays and Estuaries- Saltwater Dangers- Other Dangerous Sea Creatures
FIELD-EXPEDIENT WEAPONS, TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENT- Staffs- Clubs- Edged Weapons- Other Expedient Weapons- Cordage and Lashing- Rucksack Construction- Clothing and Insulation- Cooking and Eating Utensils
DESERT- Terrain- Environmental Factors- Need for Water- Heat Casualties- Precautions- Desert Hazards
TROPICAL- Tropical Weather- Jungle Types- Travel Through Jungle Areas- Immediate Considerations- Water Procurement- Food- Poisonous Plants
COLD WEATHER- Cold Regions and Locations- Windchill- Basic Principles of Cold Weather Survival- Hygiene- Medical Aspects- Cold Injuries- Shelters- Fire- Water- Food- Travel- Weather Signs
SEA- The Open Sea- Seashores
EXPEDIENT WATER CROSSING- Rivers and Streams- Rapids- Rafts- Flotation Devices- Other Water Obstacles- Vegetation Obstacles
FIELD-EXPEDIENT DIRECTION FINDING- Using the Sun and Shadows- Using the Moon- Using the Stars- Making Improvised Compasses- Other Means of Determining Direction
SIGNALING TECHNIQUES- Application- Means for Signaling- Codes and Signals- Aircraft Vectoring Procedures
CAMOUFLAGE- Personal Camouflage- Methods of Stalking
CONTACT WITH PEOPLE-Contact with Local People-Survival Behavior-Changes to Political Allegiance
SURVIVAL IN MAN-MADE HAZARDS-The Nuclear Environment-Biological Environments-Chemical Environments

This app is libre software - you can find the source-code on github: requests are welcomeIf you have improvements regarding the content or want to help translate you can use the wiki:
Happy surviving!
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