" LEIPZIG GIESST - the city is our garden " wants to show where there are trees that need additional water. The campaign also wants to bring people together who want to pour together in groups.Our city trees in Leipzig have been exposed to enormous drought stress in recent years. 2,000 city trees fell victim to the 2019 drought.We as the Baumfreundschaft solution team of the Ecken Wecken Foundation came together in April 2020 to counter this.This app brings together all the relevant data and information about casting:& # 8226; & # 8195; Where are street trees?& # 8226; & # 8195; How old is a tree& # 8226; & # 8195; How many liters of what has a tree got in the last 30 days (from rain and watering)?It also allows you to store the amount of water you poured on the respective tree. So everyone else can see which trees have already been watered or how many liters a tree is still missing in order to achieve the minimum amount required weekly.