How to track your expenses successfully? Finance Manager will help you understand where your money goes, so you can plan to spend more effectively. Its free to use and will be free forever.Finance Manager divide your money into two accounts: Savings Account and Expense Account, so you can always know exactly how much money you have saved and how much money you have left to spend!Expense tracker and Money manager1. Use multiple tags to identify your expenses and incomes. Tags (keywords) can be "bread", "cake", "banana", etc.2. Quick and intuitive way to see the daily / monthly / yearly / lifetime statistics 3. Easily look up exactly how much money you have spent on a particular tag.Shopping List1. If you have something to buy, just add expenses with zero amount to create bug later items.2. After you have bought the item, just enter the amount, and it will convert to an expense.Safe and Private1. Pattern lock.2. No registration required.Bug Fixes.