Did you know that there are more than 400 works of art in Utrecht, just on the street? With this app as a personal guide you can see and read more about art in the city. The app Art in the public space Utrecht shows all works of art that are part of the public art collection of the municipality of Utrecht. The works are located in both public space and (former) municipal buildings. The app provides background information about the artworks and has a simple starting point: to make artworks in the city of Utrecht more visible and discoverable. With the app you can set off to discover works of art or, when you encounter a work of art in the city, you can easily look up information about this work of art. For this, the app has a unique location function that provides information about your position and the artworks in the area. The app can be used from any location to search the artworks. The artworks are sorted by distance to your location. You can also search or filter freely by artist, location and period. The app has appeared on the renewed website kunstinopenbarerruimte-utrecht.nlConcept and design:Design workMunicipality of Utrecht / Cultural affairs Technic: Copyright © 2019Design workMunicipality of Utrecht