Minimal, flat theme offering a light user interface with green vivid colors.System glyphs made with love and carefully crafted, pixel perfect and modern.With the same content as Outray, just in light.Dark Version → the free Arcus app to choose a theme variant!→ need a ROM with the latest CM theme engine in order to install and use this theme! ROM support for DU (DU Certified), CM12, CM12.1, CM13, CyanogenOS, AICP, RR, AOSiP, Bliss Pop, Carbon, Euphoria and more. Please report missing Icons so they can be added to the theme.Theme includes:◦ 90+ themed apps◦ Multiple color variants (Arcus)◦ Bootanimation◦ Vector statusbar icons◦ Themed battery icons (latest CM13)◦ Fully themed quicksettings◦ Animated switches, checkboxes and buttons◦ Volume panel◦ Notification icons◦ Custom font◦ Custom notification sounds◦ WallpapersThemed apps:◦ Screener◦ Google+◦ Hangouts◦ Play Music◦ Google Now◦ Dialer◦ Instagram◦ Settings◦ Camera◦ Keyboard (AOSP & Google)... and more! (90+)Arcus variant colors:◦ Material colors◦ Coalfield colors◦ Radius colors◦ Red ◦ Blue◦ Purple◦ Teal... and more!Please review and share this theme if you like it! Thanks for the support! :)Wallpapers taken by Janic Lautenschläger, thanks goes to him for letting me use his amazing pics :) _ _You can send an email to
[email protected] bug reports, issues and suggestions.Follow us on G+ and get news about updates and development!→ an insider, join the G+ Community today!→ Themed colors in Allo- Themed Powertoggles Settings Widget- Fixes for SuperSU, Play Music, Youtube, Spotify, Hangouts and Twitter- Fixed white Do not disturb ( + ) and ( - ) on white qs background- Fixes for RR storage & usb section