The "Korea Maritime and Fisheries Development Institute Helpline" enables convenient, real-time, and anonymous helpline reporting and compliance inquiries anytime, anywhere, and allows you to check the progress and processing of reports and inquiries, as well as follow-up reports.★ Features of the "Korea Maritime and Fisheries Development Institute Helpline" app- It is operated by an independent third-party professional company (Red Whistle) to ensure confidentiality and anonymity.★ What this Helpline applies to1. Guaranteed AnonymityThis system does not create or maintain an internal access log that includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, so users cannot be traced and anonymity is guaranteed.2. Security enhancementFirewall, hardware web firewall, and intrusion detection system (IPS) are applied to this system, and security control works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.3. Report storage and access rightsReports and inquiries are stored directly on Red Whistles secure server for safety, and only those in charge of auditing authorized to process reports can access.★ NoticeAfter submitting the report or inquiry form, make a note of the unique number given to you, and check the response and progress of the audit manager through the processing confirmation a few days later.Be careful not to expose yourself. When filling out your report, be careful not to reveal anything that could guess who you are.------------------------------------------------------------ -------Developer Contact 02)855-2300Red Whistle Co., Ltd. 3 Gongwon-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul