★本月新開幕景點/店家★新年新氣象!去年有沒有做個美好Ending呢?沒有的話爭取今年有個美好的開始!愛吃日料的看這裡,燒肉的名門赤虎來台啦,主打手工現切肉,還有頂級日本和牛套餐!拉麵控別錯過Lamigo Laman,特色台灣拉麵任君品嚐。老字號港茶名店檀島香港茶餐廳在台北開第一家外帶店,經典港點帶著走,快去嚐鮮吧!號稱全台最美的咖啡館卡啡那CAFFAINA新開幕,百款法式甜點與手沖咖啡,好吃又好拍!夜市又有新選項,安和國際觀光夜市開幕囉,愛逛夜市的別錯過!★門牌更新★本次更新重點在桃園市蘆竹區等公文整編;台中市太平區等一般門牌整編且提供整編前後門牌圖資以便用戶查詢;以及台南市、桃園市、高雄市三縣市門牌新增暨修正。 ★道路更新★本次更新重點在台南市-新吉工業區107年12月12日全區道路完工啟用:安南及安定區交界處的新吉工業區,是繼樹谷園區、柳營科工區及永康科技園區開發完成後,新開發的優質工業區,區內配置廿、卅及四十公尺計畫道路,總長度十公里,可快速銜接國八系統交流道轉國道一號,通車後有利車輛運輸及在地發展。【特色】● 獨家3D立體實境導航,上橋轉彎一目瞭然。(可離線)● 全新3D高速導航引擎可同時多種路徑規劃。(可離線)● 即時路況顯示(需連網使用)。● 雲端聲控導航系統 (需連網使用)。● 收錄全台超過50 萬筆景點、620 萬筆地址。● 提供LBS店家優惠資訊。【詳細說明】「樂客導航王全3D」是全台唯一全3D立體導航軟體,業界領先3D圖資,3D立體地標、建物以及獨家立體標誌及立體指引,帶給您賽車級的實境導航體驗及視覺震撼。獨家3D立體高速導航引擎提供多條路徑規劃及前方即時路況之高畫質影像、測速照相提醒,以及智慧雲端聲控導航,除了導航之外,樂客導航王更提供景點、店家圖文評價、吃喝玩樂等LBS店家資訊。*請注意!本產品是為了手機/平版裝置所開發的軟體,請勿將其使用於任何車載系統或其他不符規格的裝置上。【功能說明】獨家全3D立體實景導航● 全省3D立體地標及3D立體建物、立體指引、橋樑。● 獨家3D標誌(台北市示範區),包括:路樹、紅綠燈、捷運站等。● 提供多種測速照相提醒,超速時警示圖將放大閃爍提醒。聲控導航● 用說的就能導航,會學習的雲端聲控導航系統 (需連網使用)。智慧型輸入● POI 名稱跟地址可隨意輸入,智慧模糊輸入您想要去的地址或景點簡稱多路徑規劃● 採用新一代3D高速導航引擎,可同時規劃多條路徑方案,視用戶狀況選擇最適宜路線。路況即時通● 透過高速的4G網路,即時提供前方路況高畫質影像、交通事件訊息● 提供紅黃綠的顏色標示即時交通路況。LBS 周邊優惠● 提供景點星等、評論、獨家優惠訊息、店家資料等,輕鬆將周邊資訊一手帶著走。即時路況● 導航沿途路段以紅、黃、綠顏色標示交通狀況,用戶可依路況研判行車路線。● 導航過程中,主動提示前方高畫質路況影像、交通事件,用戶可依路況自行迴避● 主動提醒突發路況及災變(落石坍方、車輛改道、道路施工...等),讓您選擇是否改道。獨家3D立體高架橋樑● 清楚的獨家高架道路指引,上下橋一目了然。我的行程● 提供專題行程懶人包,還能在樂客網上自行編排旅遊行程,匯入手機立即出發!道路位置校正● 導航時能自選橋上橋下,再也不會傻傻分不清~3D車輛圖示● 導航車標不僅有汽車,還可變換成機車、大貨車...讓導航更加身歷其境!【使用條件】需保留4GB以上空間下載主程式及圖資安裝【Facebook 粉絲專頁】 https://www.facebook.com/navikingtw【樂客導航王客服信箱】
[email protected]【樂客導航王客服專線】02-23630582 (服務時間:週一至週五 10:00~12:00、13:30~17:30,週末及國定假日公休)★Newly opened attractions/stores this month★New year and new atmosphere! Did you do a good Ending last year? If not, strive for a good start this year! For those who love Japanese food, look here, the famous yakiniku red tiger is coming to Taiwan, the main dish is hand-cut meat, and the top Japanese Wagyu set meal! Dont miss Lamigo Laman. You can taste the special Taiwanese ramen. The long-established Hong Kong tea shop, Tandao Hong Kong Tea Restaurant, opened its first take-away shop in Taipei. Take the classic Hong Kong points with you. Go try it! Known as the most beautiful cafe in Taiwan, CAFFAINA has opened its doors. Hundreds of French desserts and hand-made coffee are delicious and good shots! There are new options for the night market, the Anhe International Tourist Night Market is opening, don’t miss it if you love to visit the night market!★House number update★This update focuses on the reorganization of official documents in Luzhu District, Taoyuan City; the reorganization of general house numbers in Taiping District, Taichung City and the provision of pictures before and after the reorganization for users to inquire; and the addition and revision of the three counties and cities in Tainan City, Taoyuan City and Kaohsiung City . ★Road update★The focus of this update is on Tainan City-Xinji Industrial Zone on December 12, 107. The roads in the whole district were completed and opened: Xinji Industrial Zone at the junction of Annan and Anding District is the development of Jishu Valley Park, Liuying Science and Technology Park and Yongkang Science and Technology Park. After completion, the newly developed high-quality industrial zone will be equipped with planned roads of 20, 30 and 40 meters, with a total length of 10 kilometers, which can quickly connect to the National Eighth System Interchange and turn to National Highway 1. Land development.【feature】● Exclusive 3D three-dimensional reality navigation, turning on the bridge is clear at a glance. (Offline available)● The new 3D high-speed navigation engine can plan multiple paths at the same time. (Offline available)● Real-time traffic display (need to connect to the Internet).● Cloud voice-activated navigation system (need to connect to the Internet).● Collected more than 500,000 scenic spots and 6.2 million addresses across Taiwan.● Provide LBS store discount information.【Detailed description】"Loke Navigation King 3D" is the only full 3D stereo navigation software in Taiwan, with industry-leading 3D graphics, 3D stereoscopic landmarks, buildings, and exclusive stereoscopic signs and stereoscopic guidance, bringing you racing-level real-world navigation experience and visual shock . The exclusive 3D high-speed navigation engine provides multiple route planning and high-quality images of the real-time road conditions ahead, speed camera reminders, and smart cloud voice-controlled navigation. In addition to navigation, Leke Navigation King also provides scenic spots, store graphic reviews, food and drink Fun and other LBS store information.*Please note! This product is software developed for mobile phones/tablet devices. Please do not use it on any car system or other devices that do not meet specifications.【Function Description】Exclusive full 3D stereo navigation● The provinces 3D three-dimensional landmarks and 3D three-dimensional buildings, three-dimensional guidance, bridges.● Exclusive 3D signs (Taipei Demonstration Zone), including: road trees, traffic lights, MRT stations, etc.● Provide a variety of speed camera reminders, the warning map will zoom in and flash when speeding.Voice-activated navigation● A cloud voice-controlled navigation system that can be used to navigate and learn (need to be connected to the Internet).Smart input● POI name and address can be entered at will, smart fuzzy enter the address or the abbreviation of the scenic spotMultipath planning● Adopt a new generation of 3D high-speed navigation engine, which can plan multiple route plans at the same time, and choose the most suitable route according to the users condition.Real-time traffic● Through the high-speed 4G network, provide real-time high-quality images of the road ahead and traffic incident information● Provide red, yellow and green colors to indicate real-time traffic conditions.LBS peripheral discounts● Provide attractions star ratings, reviews, exclusive discount messages, store information, etc., easily take the surrounding information with one hand.Real-time traffic● The road sections along the navigation route are marked with red, yellow, and green colors, and the user can study and judge the driving route based on the road conditions.● During the navigation process, it actively prompts high-definition road condition images and traffic incidents ahead, and users can avoid them according to the road conditions.● Proactively remind you of sudden road conditions and catastrophes (rockfalls, landslides, vehicle diversions, road construction... etc.), allowing you to choose whether to divert.Exclusive 3D three-dimensional elevated bridge● Clear and exclusive elevated road guidance, and the upper and lower bridges are clear at a glance.my itinerary● Provide thematic itinerary lazy bag, you can also arrange your own travel itinerary on Leke.com, import it to your mobile phone and set off immediately!Road position correction● When navigating, you can choose between the bridge and the bridge, and you will never be confused again~3D vehicle icon● The navigation car logo not only has cars, but can also be transformed into locomotives and large trucks...make navigation more immersive!【Conditions of Use】Need to reserve more than 4GB space to download the main program and installation of pictures【Facebook Fan Page】https://www.facebook.com/navikingtw[Loke Navigation King Customer Service Mailbox]
[email protected]【Loke Navigation King Customer Service Line】02-23630582 (Service hours: Monday to Friday 10:00~12:00, 13:30~17:30, closed on weekends and national holidays)問題修正