Purify improves your devicesā battery performance and protect them from memory leaking. Thatās Purify, a tiny and beautiful tool that can truly optimize your devicesā battery performance. It can detect which apps are idle but keep trying to auto start in the background. These apps are the black sheep which slow down your devicesā running speed and the cause of memory leaking. Once perceptions of that, Purify can block them automatically, which contributes to the improvement of your device battery life and boost the running speed.
Apart from the above, Purify also includes the following features.
Purify Notification
Purify can effectively manage all notifications and offers you a clean and clear notification bar. You can wipe out notifications in bulk and manage their privileges of displaying as normal. Without unwanted notification disturbing you, your phoneās drop-down menu performance is fully utilized.
Purify Apps Whitelist
Thereāre certain types of apps that you may willing to keep running regardless of battery consumption. In that case, you can add those apps into Purify Apps Whitelist. For those white listed apps, Purify will never interpose their running performance in respect of your choices.
Purify Logs
As you may wonder, does Purify truly optimize my phones? We offer you a Purify log for review. In the logs, you can see how many apps were purified, how much ram is saved as well as how many notifications are archived. Data speak louder than words!
Powerful Recharge Screen Locker
By enabling recharge screen locker in the settings, you can enjoy the benefits of real weather status, recently used apps and web search. In addition, you can set a timer to automatically clean the junks in your phones, sparing more space for you.
Last but not least, weāre recruiting VIP members of Purify, who help to test early betas and vote for future functions. Sincerely welcome you to join our community: https://plus.google.com/communities/106086755269756446231
If you would like to know more about Purify, please visit our official website http://purifyapps.com/