KB Cam Pro will help you click photos for online portals. Such portals usually have very strict requirements of file size. Normally when such a requirement comes in front of us, we click photos with our mobile cameras. Such photos are usually in MBs. So, we have to crop the image and also try various image compression utilities to shrink the size of the image to get the desired size of the image. Sometimes, even all this hard work does not give us desired results and we have to try over and over again. KB Cam Pro does all the work for you, on the fly!In case, we need to do this work for a number of people (like many teachers have to digitize the photos and signatures of their students for upload on various government sites) this takes considerable amount of time and effort. Also this process kills the precious time of a teacher.This app will help you click passport size photos usually under 20kb in size. You can also click photos of signatures with this app.This app is mainly designed for the teachers, to save their precious teaching hours.Privacy Policy:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RbWxNN3nBwH8tmkdvKHHp7sH0fNkbd7G/view?usp=sharing