Karookie provides detailed information on vehicles registered in France. You can use the manual entry option to enter the license plate number, or use your devices camera to scan the plate. Once you enter or scan the plate number, Karookie retrieves all available information about the vehicle, including make, model, fuel type, tax horsepower, serial number, and other important details.The app also allows the results of each vehicle search to be stored for quick and easy access. You can thus quickly find the information on all the vehicles that you have identified before, without having to re-enter the plate numbers.Karookie is designed to be simple and easy to use, whether you are an individual, an automotive professional or a vehicle rental company. It can be used to quickly verify information about a vehicle before buying or leasing it, to retrieve information about a vehicle as part of an investigation or inspection, or simply to find out more about the vehicles you see on the road.Finally, Karookie is completely secure and respects the privacy of its users. The collected data is securely stored on the application server, and is not shared with third parties without the users consent.In short, if you are looking for a simple and effective application to quickly obtain detailed information on vehicles registered in France, Karookie is the tool for you.